Health & Medical Medicine

Common Causes Of Wet Dreams Or Nocturnal Emissions

A haunting question many men fail to ask anyone during in their teenage is "Why do I get wet dreams or nightfall?" Even with the advent of internet, excessive free porn and wide spread sex education classes in most part of the world, several questions regarding the causes of wet dreams are left unanswered. Neither the teenage fellows nor the grown up men are able to clear their doubts factually on proper studies. Here are a few common causes for the same.

1. You are growing. Your testosterone level is increasing considerably. It kindles several sexual feelings your body is naturally programmed to perform. Wet dreams are an expression of your subconscious mind trying to perform the same.

2. Causes of wet dreams can be classified into physical as well as psychological reasons. Physical reason is genital stimulation. Psychological reason is dreaming about sexual activities mentally. We cannot create wet dreams regularly as it feels good. It should happen at a subconscious level automatically.

3. Most people wake up after a prostate semen discharge. Some people orgasm intensively with lots of sperms. Most young boys do not realize they have ejaculated at night, until they wake up in the morning.

4. The same chemical triggering s occurring during a normal lovemaking orgasm occurs during nocturnal emissions too. Brain secretes dopamine and cortisol. Body feels relax and so on.

5. Causes of nightfall are a well analyzed topic. You need not ejaculate just because you dream about sexual activities. Excessive pressure on the on sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system due to immense fright of full bladder can also produce a similar feeling.

Will it affect my sex life later?

Normally it doesn't affect sex life. Once people get addicted to the ecstatic feeling, they want more and more of it leading to masturbatory complications. Just enjoy the sensations of the dream like a lottery and carry on with day to day activities. You certainly won't run out of sperm count like most young boys fear.

How do I control messiness?

The answer is you can't. The subconscious mind is one of the causes of nightfall. We cannot consciously control it that easily. Some men wake up just at the verge of orgasm. At the most, they can rush into the baths to avoid messing.

What will my parents think if they find out?

Every man and women goes through teenage confusions in their life. They will understand perfectly, no matter how conservative they appear to be.

Why don't I get night discharges like others?

Several sexually active men have reported they never got a nightfall even once in their life. Causes of nightfall are mostly psychological. Not having ightfall is as normal as having nightfall.

Will I stop growing?

Nobody stops growing mentally or physically because of wet dreams. However if you get into the habit of nightly discharges more than thrice a month during teenage, it will drain all your physical energy giving you a perfect nerdy look. So consult a physician and keep the habit under check. Herbs are beneficial for treating the problem of excessive wet dreams. NF Cure capsule is one of the most popular and widely used herbal remedies for treating this problem naturally.

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