Lower Abdominal Pain as a Pregnancy Symptom
- Distinguish the pain. If the lower abdominal pain is sharp or you're having cramps on both sides of your abdomen, it is usually round ligament pain. This is just a growing pain when your ligaments start to stretch so they can hold your developing baby.
- Take your temperature. If your lower abdominal pain comes along with fever, a discharge or nausea, you should call your doctor, as it could be a sign of something serious.
- If you have bleeding or spotting, and the lower abdominal pain worsens with movement, it could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg implants itself in one of the fallopian tubes. If untreated, it could cause death.
- Take note if the pain is more like cramps and extends to the lower back. This type of abdominal pain, along with bleeding and a feeling of pressure, could mean a miscarriage.
- Keep track of your baby's movement if you have lower abdominal pain during pregnancy. If the movements are slower and happen with a sudden onset of bleeding, contractions and back pain, it could be a sign of placental abruption, which is when the placenta pulls away from the uterus before the birth of your baby.
- Many times, lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is from gas, bloating or constipation. Since your digestion slows during pregnancy, gas is a common problem.