Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Remove Copier Toner from Fabric

    • 1). Brush dried toner from your clothes with a paper towel. Do not rub the area, or you will cause the toner to mesh into the fabric more. Use a gentle brushing motion to remove as much toner as possible.

    • 2). Use a vacuum cleaner attachment to carefully remove remaining any toner powder and stain.

    • 3). Wash your stained clothes in cold water and a laundry detergent. Inspect the clothing to see if it still contains the toner stain. If it does, run the clothing through another washing machine cycle.

    • 4). Hang the clothing indoors to dry. Do not dry them in the sun or the dryer initially just in case there's a toner stain still present that you cannot immediately see. The heat of the sun and the dryer will cause the toner to stain your clothes permanently.

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