Health & Medical Acne

How to Prevent and Treat Acne

Acne is a skin disease than can affect anyone from teenagers to grown up adults.
Acne is definitely one of the most common skin problems in the world today and nearly everyone has acne at some stage in their life.
Unfortunately some of us are worse off in the spectrum when it comes to acne and we have to work a lot harder at treating and preventing acne than other people.
Acne is caused by a number of effects although the main one is when the sebaceous glands produce excess oil and clog up the pores.
Other factors include stress, diet, pollution, under/over washing and genetics.
Fortunately for us even acne from genetics can be treated if we follow a suitable acne treatment plan.
Treating and preventing acne is easy if you follow a healthy lifestyle and you won't end up needing to buy expensive acne drugs that cause harm and damage to your body.
Having a healthy diet of fruit and vegetables is essential as well as cutting out certain foods that are unhealthy.
Washing your skin daily with a proper soap that doesn't dry out the skin is very important as many people get more acne and pimples from washing with improper soaps as well as washing their skin too many times a day.
Twice a day should be the perfect balance for keeping the skin clean and the pores clear from dirt.
Drinking water is very useful as it allows the body to keep hydrated and for the skin to breath properly.
This aspect of acne prevention is often overlooked but is very important if you truly want clear skin.
 The last natural acne cure is sleep.
Sleep is so important for the body and late nights stress out the body and cause hormonal fluctuations that produce excess oil and ultimately cause acne.

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