Health & Medical Traditional Chinese medicine

Taking A Stab At Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese and Japanese method of healing.
Acupuncturists look at the energy meridians of the body to determine where there might be blockages.
In this way health and illness are based upon levels of vital energy, and energetic balance.
When you go to an acupuncturist they are going to do a thorough examination of you to see where you might have blocked energy centers.
There are many different ways that they can go about doing this.
Often symptoms of an illness give important clues to where energy might be blocked.
Once they know where the blockage is stemming from they use tiny needles inserted into the skin to help clear or remove that energy block.
Using needles is the most common form of acupuncture, but often someone that practices this healing art will also prescribe herbs, exercises, magnets, and other non-traditional forms of healing to keep the energy flowing in a healthy manner.
This ancient tradition has been practiced for thousands of years and many of the meridian points that are more commonly blocked are named after elements of nature.
Acupuncture views the human body as part of the world around it.
Occasionally during an acupuncture treatment the professional will not work to remove the blockage, only to increase the energy flowing to that area.
The belief here is that the human body is capable of healing itself, but occasionally needs a helping hand.
There should be no pain experience from needling during a treatment.
There is often sensation, but not necessarily pain.
Often people will experience a warmth, tingling, or numbness where the needle is place.
People will also experience this feeling in a place where there are no needles.
This is because the acupuncture points and energy centers connect to more areas in the body then the point itself.
Often people getting an acupuncture treatment will experience an overall feeling of well being.
Sometimes an acupuncturist will only needle the ear.
There are so many energy centers that reside in the ear you can literally adjust the energy in the entire body by just working with the energy in the ear.
Getting acupuncture means working with someone who is trained and certified.
It is important to work with a reputable professional.
You are allowing this person to work with you on an intimate medical level.
Just like any other medical professional you want to make sure that they have been training and know what they are doing.
Acupuncture is not a treat all method of healing.
Most acupuncturists will agree that it should be used in conjunction with other forms of healing and treatment.
If you break your arm you don't want to get an acupuncture treatment you want to see a western doctor to get a cast.
But there are also many illness and issues where seeing an acupuncturist for treatment will work hand in hand with western medicine; allowing you to be healing and happy.

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