Today is not your day.
You wake up and find out you're out of milk.
You go shopping and find out you're out of change.
You go back to get a nap and find out you're out of time.
Night comes and you find out you're out of sleeping pills.
Then the best thing comes, an intruder in your home.
At least you won't run out of bullets.
You made sure you bought hundreds of rounds to protect your home.
You took gun lessons so you know how to use your semi-automatic m-16 riffle.
Time comes, ready to roll.
A hundred bullets ready...
but one to the head was enough...
Better safe than sorry though, right? Next week you hear about a shooting two blocks away from your home that killed dozens of people.
I guess for the killers, one bullet wasn't enough.
Americans live in a world of paranoia.
But why? If you don't trust the government, why stay to live here? I am confident that I can prove that all is not lost if some guns (not all) take a break for a while.
Three reasons why some guns are a threat to, well, domestic peace: -Practicality.
-Humans' emotions.
-Humans' imperfections.
Let me explain.
Many Americans think that because a "bad guy" has a hundred rounds of bullets, you must need a hundred rounds as well to have a fair chance of surviving.
That's not quite true.
Anyone who knows of warfare knows more bullets equal more damage.
To inflict the most damage.
That's the objectives that men with uniforms are given.
Civilians, however, have another objective when it comes to self-defense: to stay alive.
You don't care about damaging your attacker as hard as you can; you want to neutralize him.
Survival depends on that crucial shot.
So tell me...
how many bullets does it take to kill a human being? One.
And if you can't hit your target with one bullet, or two, or three, then you really shouldn't be holding a gun in the first place, because all those bullets that you shoot don't magically disappear in mid-air.
They still fly until they hit something.
So if you shoot a hundred rounds of bullets and you miss, well, all of them, that would mean that a hundred deadly bullets had been thrown aimlessly to the world.
And they won't stop, until they hit something.
Or someone.
Not very smart or safe if you ask me.
Now let's pretend that all American civilians are Rambo material (yeah right.
) Even if they were, we must not forget that we are all human.
We get emotional.
We get sentimental.
We get angry.
We get scare.
We are weak.
Whether you accept this truth or not, the fact remains that many people with anger issues are not consider mentally ill, they are normal people with well, anger issues.
Say this gentleman notices that his girlfriend has been cheating on him for the last two years, and he explodes.
But wait! He also happens to own a semi-automatic weapon.
So he decides to visit his girlfriend at her work and shoots her, but in the mix of emotions of anger and confusion, he doesn't stop pulling the trigger and before he knows it, he shoots nearly everyone in the office.
He is human.
He doesn't want this.
But he can't turn back time.
Now let us examine ourselves yet another scenario.
You are on an ice skating ring, and a man with an assault rifle suddenly comes and stars shooting everyone.
You have this very same gun, so you use it to...
you left this gun at home.
Why? Because you went ice skating fool, and you don't want your 4-year old niece to see you with a gun, do you? Not when you are going ice skating with the family to have fun in such a public place.
You can't bring it with you because it's so big and draws a lot of attention.
It's not like you can put it behind your shirt, like you would with a pistol.
However what if you really want to bring your assault rifle everywhere you go, because you simply don't care what people think? So you strap it around your neck and take a cup of coffee like a boss, knowing no one will touch you, or talk to you for that matter.
And you see the guy next table with the same assault rifle around his neck, and you wink at him for a sign of approval, but he sees this as a tease and pulls it out to shoot you because, well, he has anger issues.
You defend yourself and after a hundred flying bullets burst everywhere hitting flesh and concrete, you manage to take him down, but at what cost? Please buy a damn handgun.
It's more practical.
If any.
The second amendment defends the right for a "well regulated militia.
" I have at least two friends who loved warfare science and would love to make little bombs and detonate them all around their backyard with unicorns and rainbows, but they know that bombs have been used for terrorism and that is why they are illegal.
They make a sacrifice not to posses that which can cause more harm than benefits to society.
So why can't you make the same sacrifices? Guns will not be taken away.
That would mean political suicide for any politician, and legit suicide for any gun-control movement freak.
The fact remains that pro-gun dudes and gun-control people are in the same side.
They want weapons to defend themselves.
They want to save lives.
They want to have freedom.
They want to live in a safe place.
So bitterness is much not needed.
After all, they all want the same cake.
They're just deciding how much frosting it needs for a better taste.
Handguns taste good enough for me.
Now what about you? I say fighting fire with fire will just make more fire.
If you let fear get the best of you, you won't own guns...
the guns will control you.
Guns are us? You bet.
You wake up and find out you're out of milk.
You go shopping and find out you're out of change.
You go back to get a nap and find out you're out of time.
Night comes and you find out you're out of sleeping pills.
Then the best thing comes, an intruder in your home.
At least you won't run out of bullets.
You made sure you bought hundreds of rounds to protect your home.
You took gun lessons so you know how to use your semi-automatic m-16 riffle.
Time comes, ready to roll.
A hundred bullets ready...
but one to the head was enough...
Better safe than sorry though, right? Next week you hear about a shooting two blocks away from your home that killed dozens of people.
I guess for the killers, one bullet wasn't enough.
Americans live in a world of paranoia.
But why? If you don't trust the government, why stay to live here? I am confident that I can prove that all is not lost if some guns (not all) take a break for a while.
Three reasons why some guns are a threat to, well, domestic peace: -Practicality.
-Humans' emotions.
-Humans' imperfections.
Let me explain.
Many Americans think that because a "bad guy" has a hundred rounds of bullets, you must need a hundred rounds as well to have a fair chance of surviving.
That's not quite true.
Anyone who knows of warfare knows more bullets equal more damage.
To inflict the most damage.
That's the objectives that men with uniforms are given.
Civilians, however, have another objective when it comes to self-defense: to stay alive.
You don't care about damaging your attacker as hard as you can; you want to neutralize him.
Survival depends on that crucial shot.
So tell me...
how many bullets does it take to kill a human being? One.
And if you can't hit your target with one bullet, or two, or three, then you really shouldn't be holding a gun in the first place, because all those bullets that you shoot don't magically disappear in mid-air.
They still fly until they hit something.
So if you shoot a hundred rounds of bullets and you miss, well, all of them, that would mean that a hundred deadly bullets had been thrown aimlessly to the world.
And they won't stop, until they hit something.
Or someone.
Not very smart or safe if you ask me.
Now let's pretend that all American civilians are Rambo material (yeah right.
) Even if they were, we must not forget that we are all human.
We get emotional.
We get sentimental.
We get angry.
We get scare.
We are weak.
Whether you accept this truth or not, the fact remains that many people with anger issues are not consider mentally ill, they are normal people with well, anger issues.
Say this gentleman notices that his girlfriend has been cheating on him for the last two years, and he explodes.
But wait! He also happens to own a semi-automatic weapon.
So he decides to visit his girlfriend at her work and shoots her, but in the mix of emotions of anger and confusion, he doesn't stop pulling the trigger and before he knows it, he shoots nearly everyone in the office.
He is human.
He doesn't want this.
But he can't turn back time.
Now let us examine ourselves yet another scenario.
You are on an ice skating ring, and a man with an assault rifle suddenly comes and stars shooting everyone.
You have this very same gun, so you use it to...
you left this gun at home.
Why? Because you went ice skating fool, and you don't want your 4-year old niece to see you with a gun, do you? Not when you are going ice skating with the family to have fun in such a public place.
You can't bring it with you because it's so big and draws a lot of attention.
It's not like you can put it behind your shirt, like you would with a pistol.
However what if you really want to bring your assault rifle everywhere you go, because you simply don't care what people think? So you strap it around your neck and take a cup of coffee like a boss, knowing no one will touch you, or talk to you for that matter.
And you see the guy next table with the same assault rifle around his neck, and you wink at him for a sign of approval, but he sees this as a tease and pulls it out to shoot you because, well, he has anger issues.
You defend yourself and after a hundred flying bullets burst everywhere hitting flesh and concrete, you manage to take him down, but at what cost? Please buy a damn handgun.
It's more practical.
If any.
The second amendment defends the right for a "well regulated militia.
" I have at least two friends who loved warfare science and would love to make little bombs and detonate them all around their backyard with unicorns and rainbows, but they know that bombs have been used for terrorism and that is why they are illegal.
They make a sacrifice not to posses that which can cause more harm than benefits to society.
So why can't you make the same sacrifices? Guns will not be taken away.
That would mean political suicide for any politician, and legit suicide for any gun-control movement freak.
The fact remains that pro-gun dudes and gun-control people are in the same side.
They want weapons to defend themselves.
They want to save lives.
They want to have freedom.
They want to live in a safe place.
So bitterness is much not needed.
After all, they all want the same cake.
They're just deciding how much frosting it needs for a better taste.
Handguns taste good enough for me.
Now what about you? I say fighting fire with fire will just make more fire.
If you let fear get the best of you, you won't own guns...
the guns will control you.
Guns are us? You bet.