Health & Medical Traditional Chinese medicine

A Guide To Using Acupuncture Charts

Acupuncture Charts can be read only by those who understand the traditional methods of Chinese medicine and those who have been trained to do so.
Before treating a patient with acupuncture, there are many things that have to be learnt before needles can be placed in specific points in the body.
Before treatment is started the acupuncturist will have a chat with the individual in question to find out what his main problems are.
While he relates his medical history the acupuncturist will also examine the body by looking at a few key points such as the face and tongue.
The tongue is believed to be of much importance in the treatment through acupuncture due to it being possible to find out the main factors affecting the patient by examining it for its colors, coating, shape and teeth marks.
The Acupuncturist will also examine the patient's fingers and wrist as well as listen to his breathing to see if there are any abnormalities.
Questions that will be asked from the patient will relate to his sleep patterns, appetite, bowels, etc.
in order to determine the locations and points that needles have to be placed.
It is after all these preliminary investigations are carried out that the acupuncturist will refer to the chart to determine where the needles have to be stuck to bring relief to the patient.
There are fourteen meridians or channels which are shown in the acupuncture charts depicting the major organs in the body such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, etc.
where the imbalances occur.
By placing the needles in the paths of these meridians as shown in the chart, it will be possible to cure the ailments affecting the patient.
There are other positions which are illustrated in the Acupuncture charts known as transporting points or command points.
These points are located close to the knees, feet, fingers and elbows in more than 12 locations and help in the circulation of blood to the body tissues.
The points located in the area of the chest and abdomen are called the alarm points and it is said that with the use of these major points depicted in the charts people have even under gone major surgery with their only anesthetic being that of acupuncture.
While some people feel the results immediately after treatment, others take a while to achieve the desired effects.
The better acupuncture charts give very detailed diagrams and drawings with accurate scaled measurements, apart from which they also illustrate the bones and muscles in the body.
For a beginner it is better to start on a basic color coded chart that has precise details and diagrams to get an understanding of the subject.
One important point to keep in mind is that the free charts available on the internet might not be very accurate.
Whether you are a student in the process of learning the subject or an expert in the performance of acupuncture, using an accurate chart is extremely important.
Accordingly, whenever you obtain or purchase an acupuncture chart, make sure it is authentic and obtained through a qualified acupuncturist.

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