Health & Medical Acne

Severe Acne Medication - Discover The Secret Severe Acne Medication That Will Actually Cure You

If you're suffering from cystic or nodular acne, it's understandable that you would want some severe acne medication that will finally clear up your acne once and for all. So what is the best kind?

Retinol-A isn't bad. This is essentially a liquid form of Vitamin A and does a fairly decent job of clearing your acne. It has some pretty annoying side effects. Speaking from experience, it makes your skin incredibly sensitive; you have to constantly moisturize throughout the day do your skin doesn't dry out and even then it probably still will get dry. Don't even think about going outside when it's cold either; it'll really dry out and hurt.

Secondly, it makes your skin so incredibly itchy it will drive you slightly insane. It was all I could do sometimes to not itch my face with a cheese grater. Plus, because your skin is so sensitive, you'll leave marks on it when you do finally succumb to the itching.

How about Accutane? Accutane is a processed and very large does of Vitamin A and has pretty good records of it helping cure people of acne. Except Accutane has some pretty major and potentially dangerous side effects.

For instance, this severe acne medication works by damaging your skins oil glands so they produce less oil, sabotaging the acne cycle. However this can lead to incredibly dry skin and lips and it can even cause bleeding some severe cases.

Furthermore, accutane has been shown to cause joint pain that lasts even after you stop and lately, there have been very many cases of people suing the creators for their intestinal problems. One man lost his entire colon and successfully won a suit for over 20 million dollars. So many lawsuits have popped up over accutane that LaRoche has since stopped making it. Plus doctors already know how dangerous it is; you can't take it if your pregnant because your child will come out looking like a mutant and you have to submit to weekly blood tests to ensure you're not suffering from permanent liver or kidney damage.

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So what's the best severe acne medication? Well, in fact, it's no medication at all. Accutane was sort of on the right track by trying to shut down the body's oil glands, if in a roundabout and dangerous way. But we can accomplish the same effect and actually increase our health and completely heal our skin.

I'm talking about targeting the real causes of your acne problems inside your body. For instance, did you know that an excessive amount of insulin build up in your body will cause your skin to make to much oil and cause it to die faster than normal? Both of these, of course, are big instigators in break outs.

So if you get rid of the internal problems, like the build up of insulin, then your acne will simply cease to exist because you'll have stopped the real, root causes that actually lead to breakouts.

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