Law & Legal & Attorney Health Law

How to correct undertake a fire risk assessment

It is important for a business to fully realise the importance of the risk of fire in the workplace, by completing an assessment. When completed in accordance with all suggestions it may serve as a record of a fire risk assessment as required by The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
  • Carry out a fire risk assessment of the workplace taking into consideration all employees and all other people who may be affected by a fire in the workplace and to make adequate provision for any disabled people with special needs who use or may be present in the premises
  • Identify the significant findings of the risk assessment and the details of anyone who might be especially at risk in case of fire. If more than five people are employed it is a requirement that these significant findings are recorded; (However it is recommended that a written record is produced on all occasions to assist with the process of ongoing reviews)
  • Provide and maintain such fire precautions as are necessary to safeguard the workers who inhabit the workplace
  • Provide information, instruction and training to employees about the fire precautions in the workplace which have been put in place

Divide the premises into areas / rooms / floors as necessary and carry out a fire risk assessment for each part. During the assessment and evaluation of the findings you should bear in mind significant findings and ways in which you will be able to control the risks in the future. Also, it helps to point out whar further action, if any, needs to be taken to reduce risk sufficiently

Although not forming part of the risk assessment, the management in control of a workplace are requested to inform the Fire Authority of any additional hazards within the workplace. Emergency crews entering the site / building should be made aware of any hazards which may affect their safety, particularly those which may require special procedures for fire fighting. Specify any such hazard and inform the Fire Authority in order that an appropriate operational plan can be undertaken to prevent any further problems which can occur.

This is essential for any external investigations and inspection which may occur at any one time. If this is correctly managed and overseen, this can prevent the likelihood of your business being faced with massive fines. Additionally, this will keep your staff safe and happy in their working environment, knowing the management have their best interests at heart.

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