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Get Rid of Unwanted Neck Fat Fast

If you have a chubby chin or flabby neck and is secretly envy with most people who have slim and sexy face or neck, you aren't the only one who does. Let me share to you some easy tips that most people use to eliminate neck fat. This will help you look sexier and younger with just a few minutes a day. It is the easiest most affordable way in getting rid of neck fat so you too can look and feel sexier. This way you won't have to spend lots of cash for plastic surgery. Here's how you can get rid of neck fat rapidly.

Diet and exercise

When you lose weight you will also lose fat in your whole body. Losing fats through the right diet and good exercise will make you lose fats in most areas in your body but not on the neck. Simply because face and neck fat is different from body fat. Separate workouts is needed for the face. One of the causes of neck fat is water retention. It is not because of the water you drink but because of the water that your face and neck holds. Next, Drink more water.

Stay hydrated

Taking in 8 glasses of water a day is a proven technique that aids in weight loss. One thing that can keep us from over eating and from being hungry is drinking water. We might sometimes feel that we are hungry, our body is just actually thirsty. One thing that causes neck fat and bloating is water retention. Being water deprived causes water retention of fluid.

Exercises for the Face

Most exercises, according to some, makes the face look big and bulky. It does actually work. All you have to do is do the exercises consistently and in a correct way. Try this simple exercise. While sitting upright, tilt your head backward as far as you can then open and close your mouth. Feel your muscles stretching as you do so. Bring your head to starting position after counting to ten. Try this exercise once or twice a day and gradually increase it up to ten times per day. This exercise will help you eliminate your neck fat quickly.

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