Moving Day in Gaza?
The Toledo Blade just doesn't get it.
"Moving day in Gaza!?" A reality-based editorial title for the terror about to be unleashed against 8,000 Israeli men, women and children (simply because they are Jews), would be "Ethnic cleansing in Gaza," "Gaza to be made Judenrein," or "Sharon sells out Israel for foreign interests.
" But then again The Blade has been biased against Jews and Israel on a regular basis and highly supportive of the sworn enemies of the United States and Israel.
The United States shouldn't pay Israel to do the dirty work of their sworn enemies, to violently expel productive Israeli citizens from their homes and property in and around Gush Katif/Gaza, their literal former desert they made blossom as a rose, since such an act of terror and blood money rewards terrorism! The many Arab terrorist groups are already salivating, claiming victory for driving the Jews away! Terrorism surely pays off for the "Palestinians," although we'll learn the hard way it's too high of a price for us to pay.
President Bush rightly wouldn't meet with that mass murder Yasser Arafat, but then turns around and invites his blood brother, his partner in international crime and co-founder of Fatah, that terrorist in a suit and tie, Mahmoud Abbas, the present "Palestinian" leader (at odds with the other warlords) to the White House to receive $50,000,000 as a downpayment of at least $200,000,000 of hard-earned American tax-dollars! Doesn't President Bush know that such political prostitutes can't be trusted? Remember the BILLIONS Arafat bilked from the nations and it didn't buy peace? Did Israel's suicidal surrender of "land for peace" or Bush's "roadmap to peace" bring us any closer to peace? The facts on the ground (and buried in it) testify loud and clear: "NO!" It appears our leaders, both Israeli and American and others, are again foolishly gambling that the leopard has changed its spots, and the pogrom planned against the Jews of Gaza is the bleeding wound that will invite the infection of EU occupation.
"Moving day in Gaza!?" A reality-based editorial title for the terror about to be unleashed against 8,000 Israeli men, women and children (simply because they are Jews), would be "Ethnic cleansing in Gaza," "Gaza to be made Judenrein," or "Sharon sells out Israel for foreign interests.
" But then again The Blade has been biased against Jews and Israel on a regular basis and highly supportive of the sworn enemies of the United States and Israel.
The United States shouldn't pay Israel to do the dirty work of their sworn enemies, to violently expel productive Israeli citizens from their homes and property in and around Gush Katif/Gaza, their literal former desert they made blossom as a rose, since such an act of terror and blood money rewards terrorism! The many Arab terrorist groups are already salivating, claiming victory for driving the Jews away! Terrorism surely pays off for the "Palestinians," although we'll learn the hard way it's too high of a price for us to pay.
President Bush rightly wouldn't meet with that mass murder Yasser Arafat, but then turns around and invites his blood brother, his partner in international crime and co-founder of Fatah, that terrorist in a suit and tie, Mahmoud Abbas, the present "Palestinian" leader (at odds with the other warlords) to the White House to receive $50,000,000 as a downpayment of at least $200,000,000 of hard-earned American tax-dollars! Doesn't President Bush know that such political prostitutes can't be trusted? Remember the BILLIONS Arafat bilked from the nations and it didn't buy peace? Did Israel's suicidal surrender of "land for peace" or Bush's "roadmap to peace" bring us any closer to peace? The facts on the ground (and buried in it) testify loud and clear: "NO!" It appears our leaders, both Israeli and American and others, are again foolishly gambling that the leopard has changed its spots, and the pogrom planned against the Jews of Gaza is the bleeding wound that will invite the infection of EU occupation.