Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Stop Reading And Start Acting

Most people have this small issue and I have also fell prey of the old information fallacy. Don't get me wrong, reading and knowledge is a good thing. The problem is that most people just keep reading and reading without realizing that a proper plan and actions must be taken in order to really learn. If you want, you could read about financial and stock market forever since there are so many authors and books about it.

Therein lies the trick that will make the difference between winners and losers. If you have been trading in the stock market for a while now, you have probably experienced firsthand the feeling of a live trade. When you are just reading a book, all actions and trades seems quite easy and obvious: there are the ones which you should pursuit, those you should avoid, etc. But reality is not like that.

You have probably noticed how during real live trades, there is a difference between what you read and what actually happens. This is not because the book was wrong or misleading, not at all. One of the main reasons is that when you are reading you are in a calm and relaxed state of mind that made you believe that all that was easy to follow. But when you get to the stock market, besides having a flashy blinking screen in front of you, emotions start pouring in clouding your judgment.

That is why if you want to be a profitable trader, you must at some point, stop reading and start acting. That is the only way that all the information and knowledge that you have read will sink in and really make sense to you. You will start judging all the setups that you see all around online and start realizing that, some of them would not work in real life situations even though they look good on paper.

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