A recent survey at a client company gave the company high marks for communication and team work. The lowest score was in shared vision, mission, and direction. Staff felt they understood their team goals well, but did not understand, and thus could not support, the overall company direction. The lack of shared vision and mission scared people. The company downsized this fall and had experienced some bumpy months.
Fear that no one knew where the company was going was the scariest of all to staff members. These fears were allayed by company leaders providing more information and meeting more frequently with staff. During times of change: changing direction, changing business models and more, the power of leader communication of a clear mission and vision for the future cannot be underestimated.
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Fear that no one knew where the company was going was the scariest of all to staff members. These fears were allayed by company leaders providing more information and meeting more frequently with staff. During times of change: changing direction, changing business models and more, the power of leader communication of a clear mission and vision for the future cannot be underestimated.
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