Pets & Animal Horses

Stomach Ulcers: A Common Horse Health Problem

A very common drawback for horse health is stomach ulcers and an increase in awareness has resulted in more and more horses gaining from the veterinary care of stomach ulcers.
The signs of stomach ulcers comprise: poor appetite, dull coat, dark faces, poor performance, behavioral problems and general poor health of the horse.
Diagnosis is by endoscopic examination of the stomach.
Blood tests can be suggestive however not authoritative.
It is often cheaper to treat than diagnose abdomen ulcers.
So, why do stomach ulcers arise and how could we manage them? What leads to stomach ulcers? It is a very common horse health problem, they're present in over 50% of horses in work and some studies cite around 95% of horses in work having stomach ulcers.
Horse health management factors that further the risk: -Stabling, horses in stables are much more liable to get than horses in paddocks with grass to graze.
-Feeding hard feeds, particularly high grain feed.
-Being in work, particularly strenuous work.
-Horses which crib bite or wind suck.
These horses typically do not eat well and so have very little gastric components to neutralize stomach acid.
-The employment of some NSAIDs, particularly Bute.
Thus how do we reduce the chances? -Grazing good grass can improve the horse's health.
Give the horse some lucerne hay approximately half an hour before work, this buffers the abdomen acidity.
-Veterinary medications have Omeprazole or Ranitidine from your vet could be beneficial in treatment and control.
-Some dietary supplements, such as Kohnke's Own Gastro-coat can help coat the stomach thus reducing the chance of development.
If you suspect stomach ulcers to be a problem for your horse's health, talk to your vet, they can provide the most effective guidance and treatment if essential.

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