Health & Medical Acne

A Foolproof Home Remedy For Acne

This foolproof home remedy for acne will hopefully have you looking better, feeling great and be the start of a complete cure of your acne.
If you've tried a home remedy for acne before, you probably haven't tried this one.
It's a bit radical, and you might think it's crazy and dismiss it, but many people have had tremendous success, so I ask that you take a leap of faith.
The background to this home remedy for acne is simple: acne is a symptom of a bigger internal problem.
For many acne sufferers, acne is simply the body's way of reacting to something else.
By going through this home remedy for acne, you can be sure that yours isn't caused by the same problems and then you can move on to other treatments with greater confidence that you're taking the right steps.
So here's my home remedy for acne in 5 steps.
#1 - Cut out all sugary and fizy drinks, high fat cakes and treats and foods with high levels of chemicals.
An unbalanced diet can cause people's bodies to react in all sorts of different ways, and acne is one of those reactions.
#2 - Start drinking at least 2 litres of plain water a day.
Water is for your body as oil is to a car.
It helps you run smoothly, so drink plenty to help flush out any toxins left over.
#3 - Wash your face with neutral soap twice a day.
Don't scrub or scratch affected areas, just wash them gently to help keep them clean and free from infection.
We don't want to make it any worse, right? #4 - Avoid overly hot environments.
Heat will naturally make your face flush, and this can cause your acne to flare up and draw more attention to it.
To reduce swelling further, take anti inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen once or twice a day on really bad days.
#5 - Get plenty of sleep, at least 8 hours a night.
When you're asleep, your body goes to great lengths to repair any muscle damage or infections it has.
Give it plenty of time to think about your acne.
Try this for a couple of weeks, and see how you get on.
You should notice a difference in the way you feel, and see a difference in how obvious your acne is (ie, it should be calmer and less red).
A fantastic side effect of this home remedy for acne is that you might even lose a bit of weight (which will help your health even more), have more energy during the day and generally elevated mood level (so you care less about any acne you might have left).

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