Toddler Alphabet Furniture
- If you can only buy one piece of alphabet furniture, make it a play table. This is the place where you most want your toddler to see the alphabet because it encourages him to practice writing his letters on pieces of paper and gets him used to the idea that letters are connected with learning and activities he participates in at his table. Choose a play table that lists the letters of the alphabet around the perimeter of the table. That way, he sees a stretch of letters right in front of him, regardless of where he sits. He can move around the table to see all of the letters.
- Your toddler spends more time in his bed than he does anywhere else. Having the letters of the alphabet on his bed familiarizes him with the letters on a daily basis as he sees them when he goes to sleep and wakes up. If your toddler is still in a crib, he can look at the letters as he waits for you to come get him out of bed in the morning and after naps. You can also teach him to trace the letters with his finger as a quiet activity to do when he wakes up.
- Some specialty dressers have alphabet letters painted on them or specialty door pulls with letters or alphabet blocks. If you don't want to purchase an entirely new dresser with the alphabet theme, make an existing dresser into an alphabet one by painting letters on the front of the drawers. If you would like to use the dresser as a beginning reading tool, paint the letters to spell words describing what is in each drawer. For example, label drawers with "shorts" "pants" "pajamas" "shirts" "jackets" "socks" and "underwear."
- Complete the alphabet decor with a rug or floor mat with letters. When shopping for a rug, look for one that includes images next to each letter to show an item or animal that starts with that letter. These pictures can help toddlers begin to connect letters to their sounds at the beginnings of words. When shopping for a play mat, look for a foam mat with removable letters. That way your toddler can practice pulling the letters out and putting them back in their spaces. This develops his letter recognition and tactile skills.