How to Ride a Horse in a Curb Bit
- 1). Assess your skills. Prior to using a curb bit, you must take an honest look at your riding skills. Beginning and novice riders have no place using a curb. If you can ride without balancing on your hands, are able to use soft contact and know how to collect your horse, you are probably ready to move to a stronger bit. If you are not sure of your riding ability, stick with a snaffle.
- 2). Assess your horse. A thorough assessment of your horse's training level must be performed. Curb bits should never be used to control a horse but to add to your horse's repertoire of skills. Green and young horses should always be started in snaffle bits, as their mouths are sensitive and soft. Keep in mind that you always want your horse's mouth to be sensitive to your aids. This sensitivity is what keeps him responsive, forward and willing. If your horse is able to achieve collection, moves easily away from leg pressure and maintains his balance without reliance upon your hands, he can be started in a curb bit.
- 3). Choose the bit. There are different kinds of curb bits, and you want to begin with the mildest one. Remember that you can always go stronger, but it is difficult to go backwards without completely re-training your horse. There are different types of curb bits, including the kimberwicke, pelham, and weymouth. Curb bits work by increasing pressure on the tongue and bars (corners) of the mouth. A curb bit also increases pressure on the horse's poll because of the cheeks (sides of the bit) and the curb chain. Most riders begin with a kimberwicke, because it is considered to be the mildest form of curb bit.
- 4). Bridle your horse. Now that you have your new bit, bridle your horse and check for proper fit. The bit should be wide enough for the horse's mouth. If you are not sure how wide your horse's mouth is, use a bit fitter. There should be two wrinkles at the corners of his mouth when the bridle is on. You should be able to slip one finger between the curb chain and his chin.
- 5). Take a test ride. With the direction of your trainer, head into the arena and try out the new bit. Be easy with your hands as you ride. Your horse should willingly accept the bit. If he tosses his head, opens his mouth or displays any other unusual behavior, stop and discuss what's happening with your trainer. It may be that the bit does not fit correctly, is too harsh or the bridle needs to be adjusted.