Health & Medical Nutrition

The Benefits of Organic Coconut Oil

For many years we were led to believe that coconut oil, which is saturated oil, was bad for our health.
By the year 1985 a national campaign against saturated fat was well under way, and coconut oil was amongst its victims.
As a result of that campaign coconut oil and any products that contained coconut oil, were completely eliminated from our diet.
The oil that came in and took over the market to replace coconut oil was soy oil which was touted as being healthier.
Twenty years later the truth came out.
Coconut oil is composed of saturated fat called Medium chain triglycerides which are NOT a like any other saturated fats such as the ones derived from pork.
In fact, they are extremely beneficial to your health and metabolism.
Few substances will help you lose weight rapidly like this one.
Additionally, this oil is a fungicide (kills fungi and yeast), bactericide (kills bacteria), and it has been known to reduce infections with the herpes virus.
It will detoxify the body and greatly improve your skin.
For people with hypothyroidism, using coconut oil is like a blessing.
This oil will raise the body temperature so significantly that you can measure the difference with a thermometer.
For those with hypothyroidism, their body is always cold because their metabolism is slow.
The slower the metabolism, the colder the temperature of the body.
CAUTIONS: The coconut oil that you use must be "organic".
"Organic" means that the product is certified by an accredited institution that inspects the areas where the product is farmed and processed to guarantee that they have never used pesticides, chemical solvents, preservatives or dyes in the processing or packaging of the crop.
When something is "organic", it guarantees its purity.
Coconut oil has a compound called caprylic acid.
This compound, which is a natural part of coconut oil, has qualities that are of interest to us.
The qualities are: It is a fungicide and kills yeast like candida It destroys certain viruses like herpes It kills disease causing bacteria It detoxifies and helps the body get rid toxins These qualities help us clean our body of parasitic organisms that cause infections and decrease our metabolism.
This is a very good thing.
However, the problem lies in that some people are so infected from these organisms that when they use coconut oil they can suffer some severe reactions from the sudden death of the parasitic organisms in their bodies.
They are reactions that can be very unpleasant like: Headaches Diarrhea Muscular pain Itchy skin Mucus in nasal passages These reactions are caused by the death of the parasitic organisms that live in the body, like the candida albicans yeast, bacteria, viruses and parasites that live in the intestines and other organs in the body.
The problem is that these parasitic organisms die INSIDE the body.
Dying inside of the body causes them to decompose and turn into toxins that cause the body to have unpleasant reactions.
If you start using coconut oil in your diet to boost your metabolism, you might not feel any of these unpleasant side effects.
However, you can feel them if your body is heavily infected by any of these organisms.
Many, if not all, overweight or obese people are infected with these parasitic organisms like candida albicans.
It is something that actually works! However, you do have to know how to use it sensibly and intelligently.
The solution is to start with a low daily dose to give your body the opportunity to get rid of the toxins that have built up from the internal organisms dying.
People that have severe candida albicans infections (see the section: CANDIDA ALBICANS, "THE SILENT EPIDEMIC") should be especially careful not to increase the dosage too quickly.
The key is to GRADUALLY increase your dosage.
For example, increase your dose by only 1/2 tablespoon a day each week.
There is a type of coconut oil that is classified as "virgin" that is also "organic".
However, when you are using it to speed up your metabolism, it is better to use organic coconut oil as opposed to "virgin" because it does not have any flavor and does not change the taste of the shakes or other foods that you mix it with.
Organic coconut oil has no taste whatsoever.
There are various books written about the qualities of this natural oil.
In my opinion is by Dr.
Bruce Fife.

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