Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

How to Send Free Messages From a Computer to a Mobile

    • 1). Open your email application. You can use a native computer application like Outlook or a web-based email application like Gmail, as long as you can send and receive emails from the application.

    • 2). Compose an email. In the "TO" address bar, where you enter the email delivery address, first type the ten-digit phone number you wish to text, followed by the carrier email code. For instance, if you wanted to text the phone number 555-123-4567 to a phone on the Verizon network, you would enter in to the "TO" address bar. See Resources for a full list of carrier email codes.

    • 3). Create your message. Remember that text messages are short communications, usually limited to 160 characters or less. Try to not go over the character limit so your sent message does not get cut short.

    • 4). Press "send." Your email will now be sent as text. When the texted person replies, you will receive an email in your in-box with their texted response. To text them back, simply reply to the received email.

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