Cars & Vehicles Recreation Vehicle

How to Pop a Wheelie on a Four Wheeler

    • 1). Put on your helmet. Turn on the gas, and make sure that the four-wheeler is warmed up.

    • 2). Put the machine in neutral. Rev the motor to get a feel for the power and when it starts to really kick in. Once you have a feel for when the motor is working really hard, click the shift lever into first. When you are trying this for the first time, make sure that you lean forward and don't give it too much gas, or you will flip over.

    • 3). Get a feel for how fast the front end comes off the ground. When you do, you will be able to control this more. Do this a few more times to get comfortable. Do not give it too much throttle.

    • 4). Experimented a few times like this, then put the machine in first gear and come to a complete stop. Give it throttle and pull back at the same time. When you are doing this, you will need to lean back, unlike when you first started. If the machine starts to go over backward, do NOT panic. Apply the foot brake, and you will come back down rather quickly.

    • 5). Learn the balance point. Every type of ATV, motorcycle or dirt bike has a balance point. When you hit the balance point, you will be able to shift into higher gears and gain more speed for a longer wheelie. Do not take your foot off the brake, because that is your emergency brake. It will save your butt one time or another.

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