Common Causes of Pain in Babies
A baby's cry during pain can be a more consistent and alarming type of distress call, probably much different from other crying episodes that the baby has.
The more a person becomes familiar with an infant, the more likely that the different types of infant cries may be distinguished.
Nevertheless, these distinctions are not always possible.
A good approach to baby pain is to understand what could cause pain in the baby.
Situations may be different but it is helpful to consolidate information on common causes of pain in infants.
One common cause of pain is gas.
Newborns get a significant amount of gas and it becomes painful as gas tries to tunnel its way through tiny baby bowels and finds no convenient exit.
Especially for newborns, there are changes which are quite significant when a baby is born.
In the safety and comfort of the mother's womb, a baby is fed and nourished.
Inside the womb, the baby's digestive system is going through a different program from what will soon be inevitably experienced when the baby is born.
After birth, the baby goes from the familiar growth and secure environment of the womb to a bottle of milk or to the mother's breast.
As the infant's digestive system absorbs the new nutrients, gas can develop, get trapped within the intestines and cause baby pain.
Colic is another cause of baby pain and this is also related to the production of gas within the intestines.
It is difficult to sometimes specify exactly what causes colic in babies.
However, one thing is certain.
Colicky babies experience a lot of pain and can continue to be restless for intermittent hours each day.
As babies develop and their digestive systems begin to mature, a balance seems to take place and babies become less affected by colic and gas.
Another cause of pain in infants occurs when a physical and forceful impact occurs.
For instance, a baby's hands or legs could experience a knock, bump or other similar force.
This can result in instant pain and a baby will usually react by crying out and may continue crying for a while.
Even a scratch can cause pain.
Hence, it is important to be very careful when handling or carrying a baby.
Making sure that there are no parts of the baby that could become exposed to bumps or scrapes from any source is essential.
Painful bowel movements can also cause newborn pain.
If the infant is constipated, this can generate discomfort.
The lack of bowel movements can create pressure in the baby's intestines and cause severe pain.
Being able to diagnose this can be somewhat tricky, especially with newborns that can go through periods when they do not produce any bowel movements.
Such scenarios usually occur with babies who are breastfed because the milk from breastfeeding is easily digested and can leave little or no residue.
With so many different cause of pain in babies, careful monitoring is helpful in being able to ascertain what is generating the pain.
The more a person becomes familiar with an infant, the more likely that the different types of infant cries may be distinguished.
Nevertheless, these distinctions are not always possible.
A good approach to baby pain is to understand what could cause pain in the baby.
Situations may be different but it is helpful to consolidate information on common causes of pain in infants.
One common cause of pain is gas.
Newborns get a significant amount of gas and it becomes painful as gas tries to tunnel its way through tiny baby bowels and finds no convenient exit.
Especially for newborns, there are changes which are quite significant when a baby is born.
In the safety and comfort of the mother's womb, a baby is fed and nourished.
Inside the womb, the baby's digestive system is going through a different program from what will soon be inevitably experienced when the baby is born.
After birth, the baby goes from the familiar growth and secure environment of the womb to a bottle of milk or to the mother's breast.
As the infant's digestive system absorbs the new nutrients, gas can develop, get trapped within the intestines and cause baby pain.
Colic is another cause of baby pain and this is also related to the production of gas within the intestines.
It is difficult to sometimes specify exactly what causes colic in babies.
However, one thing is certain.
Colicky babies experience a lot of pain and can continue to be restless for intermittent hours each day.
As babies develop and their digestive systems begin to mature, a balance seems to take place and babies become less affected by colic and gas.
Another cause of pain in infants occurs when a physical and forceful impact occurs.
For instance, a baby's hands or legs could experience a knock, bump or other similar force.
This can result in instant pain and a baby will usually react by crying out and may continue crying for a while.
Even a scratch can cause pain.
Hence, it is important to be very careful when handling or carrying a baby.
Making sure that there are no parts of the baby that could become exposed to bumps or scrapes from any source is essential.
Painful bowel movements can also cause newborn pain.
If the infant is constipated, this can generate discomfort.
The lack of bowel movements can create pressure in the baby's intestines and cause severe pain.
Being able to diagnose this can be somewhat tricky, especially with newborns that can go through periods when they do not produce any bowel movements.
Such scenarios usually occur with babies who are breastfed because the milk from breastfeeding is easily digested and can leave little or no residue.
With so many different cause of pain in babies, careful monitoring is helpful in being able to ascertain what is generating the pain.