Health & Medical Acne

Cure Your Acne in 3 Weeks

If you want to know how to get rid of your acne in under a month, you've come to the right place.
Simple diet and exercise changes are all you need to do in order to have clear skin.
Of course, this is directly in contrast to what most dermatologists will tell you, and what acne product companies will tell you.
Because there is no money for them if you clear acne naturally! In short, acne is a hormonal disease that affects people who are genetically predisposed to it.
If you are one of the unlucky people, changing your diet, exercising, and supplementing WILL get you completely clear if you have the drive to stick with it.
It takes about 3-4 weeks to clear the toxins out of your system and stop the low grade inflammation that is the cause of acne.
As far as diet goes, start avoiding any food that is processed, has excess sugar, or contains vegetable oils.
These are three of the biggest culprits and must be eliminated immediately.
Eat whole foods, comprised mostly of fruits, vegetables, and lean meat.
Getting aerobic exercise for 30 minutes each day (or at a minimum 4 times a week) is the next step in getting completely clear skin.
Do something you enjoy like basketball or swimming so that you will stick to it.
Aerobic exercise improves circulation and balances hormones.
The last step is not mandatory but it will speed along results dramatically.
Supplementing with a few high quality and all natural supplements like Spirulina is something I highly recommend.
If you want to know exactly how to have completely clear skin in under 4 weeks time, check out my blog today.
Good luck.

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