Speeding tickets are not always sound
Most people don't consider themselves to be reckless drivers. Very few people have convictions for very serious offences like drink driving. However, there are an awful lot of drivers out there who have been caught committing one of the most common traffic offences – speeding.
Even really sensible drivers, who might just have overtaken a slower moving car and fallen foul of the dreaded speed cameras without being irresponsible or reckless. And these traffic offences add up. Tot up twelve points in three years and any driver is looking at a ban, which could have huge repercussions. No car means a struggle to get to work or just to perform simple family duties like collecting the kids from school or driving to the supermarket.
Anyone looking at a speeding offence should think about getting in touch with speeding solicitors to fight their corner. Speeding fines and offences are not always as clear cut as they seem. This is because of the strict protocol and procedures that govern the use of things like speed cameras. Any deviation from what the law states can invalidate any conviction. Of course the humble motorist can't be expected to know their way around the intricacies of these sorts of legal regulations, but speeding solicitors do.
They know every inch of the law in this area and help any motorist find potential gaps and holes in the crown case. So rather than simply assume the notice of intention to prosecute is correct and the case is watertight, it's often worth checking to see if a lawyer can build a case for appeal, rather than just accept more points on a driving licence. Points which add up and take the motorist closer and closer to an outright ban. Which is completely unfair if speeding convictions are unsound in the first place.Most people don't consider themselves to be reckless drivers. Very few people have convictions for very serious offences like drink driving. However, there are an awful lot of drivers out there who have been caught committing one of the most common traffic offences – speeding.
Even really sensible drivers, who might just have overtaken a slower moving car and fallen foul of the dreaded speed cameras without being irresponsible or reckless. And these traffic offences add up. Tot up twelve points in three years and any driver is looking at a ban, which could have huge repercussions. No car means a struggle to get to work or just to perform simple family duties like collecting the kids from school or driving to the supermarket.
Anyone looking at a speeding offence should think about getting in touch with speeding solicitors to fight their corner. Speeding fines and offences are not always as clear cut as they seem. This is because of the strict protocol and procedures that govern the use of things like speed cameras. Any deviation from what the law states can invalidate any conviction. Of course the humble motorist can't be expected to know their way around the intricacies of these sorts of legal regulations, but speeding solicitors do.
They know every inch of the law in this area and help any motorist find potential gaps and holes in the crown case. So rather than simply assume the notice of intention to prosecute is correct and the case is watertight, it's often worth checking to see if a lawyer can build a case for appeal, rather than just accept more points on a driving licence. Points which add up and take the motorist closer and closer to an outright ban. Which is completely unfair if speeding convictions are unsound in the first place.
Even really sensible drivers, who might just have overtaken a slower moving car and fallen foul of the dreaded speed cameras without being irresponsible or reckless. And these traffic offences add up. Tot up twelve points in three years and any driver is looking at a ban, which could have huge repercussions. No car means a struggle to get to work or just to perform simple family duties like collecting the kids from school or driving to the supermarket.
Anyone looking at a speeding offence should think about getting in touch with speeding solicitors to fight their corner. Speeding fines and offences are not always as clear cut as they seem. This is because of the strict protocol and procedures that govern the use of things like speed cameras. Any deviation from what the law states can invalidate any conviction. Of course the humble motorist can't be expected to know their way around the intricacies of these sorts of legal regulations, but speeding solicitors do.
They know every inch of the law in this area and help any motorist find potential gaps and holes in the crown case. So rather than simply assume the notice of intention to prosecute is correct and the case is watertight, it's often worth checking to see if a lawyer can build a case for appeal, rather than just accept more points on a driving licence. Points which add up and take the motorist closer and closer to an outright ban. Which is completely unfair if speeding convictions are unsound in the first place.Most people don't consider themselves to be reckless drivers. Very few people have convictions for very serious offences like drink driving. However, there are an awful lot of drivers out there who have been caught committing one of the most common traffic offences – speeding.
Even really sensible drivers, who might just have overtaken a slower moving car and fallen foul of the dreaded speed cameras without being irresponsible or reckless. And these traffic offences add up. Tot up twelve points in three years and any driver is looking at a ban, which could have huge repercussions. No car means a struggle to get to work or just to perform simple family duties like collecting the kids from school or driving to the supermarket.
Anyone looking at a speeding offence should think about getting in touch with speeding solicitors to fight their corner. Speeding fines and offences are not always as clear cut as they seem. This is because of the strict protocol and procedures that govern the use of things like speed cameras. Any deviation from what the law states can invalidate any conviction. Of course the humble motorist can't be expected to know their way around the intricacies of these sorts of legal regulations, but speeding solicitors do.
They know every inch of the law in this area and help any motorist find potential gaps and holes in the crown case. So rather than simply assume the notice of intention to prosecute is correct and the case is watertight, it's often worth checking to see if a lawyer can build a case for appeal, rather than just accept more points on a driving licence. Points which add up and take the motorist closer and closer to an outright ban. Which is completely unfair if speeding convictions are unsound in the first place.