Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

How Foods Rich in Fiber Keep You Alive

It was first thought that foods rich in fiber had no significant in human health. But the important of dietary fiber was discovered not by doctors but by veterinarians. It was discovered that plants or foods rich in fiber had cell membrane structures that were not digestible. It is the fibers in plant walls that help plants keep the structure and strength.

Dietary fiber consists of carbohydrates where their polysaccharides were arranged in different fashions. The 4 basic fibers are cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose, and lignin. Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin are considered insoluble fiber. Pectin, gum, and mucilage are considered soluble fiber.

Dietary Soluble Fiber

Soluble Fiber becomes gummy and viscous when it dissolves in water. It has the ability to slow down your digestion in the small intestine and it prevents simple sugars from entering the bloodstream right away, by keeping them imbedded in their gummy substance.

Because it absorbs water, soluble fiber softens and gives weight to fecal matter making it easier to pass through your colon and for having a bowel movement.

Soluble fiber consists of pectin, gum, and mucilage. Pectin is found in carrots, apples, beets, cabbage, citrus fruits, and bananas. Gums and mucilage are found in oat bran, sesame seeds, oats, oatmeal, legumes, guar gum, and gum Arabic

Pectin is used to make jam, forming into jell, when water is added to it. Apples and citrus fruits are high in pectin.

Besides helping prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, soluble fiber provides the following benefits.

reduces risk of heart disease
reduces risk of gallstones formation
helps to remove toxic heavy metals and toxins from your colon
helps to prevent appendicitis
regulates movement of sugar into the bloodstream during digestion
helps to prevent fissures
lowers cholesterol
slows absorption of fats in the intestines
and most importantly, help prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your colon.

Dietary Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water or during digestion and consists of cellulose, hemi cellulose, and lignin. Cellulose is extremely strong, giving plants their firm and solid structure. This type of fiber is extremely beneficial to your health. Since your body's enzymes do not breakdown this fiber, like it does food, it remains in tack as it travels through your intestines and colon.

Hemicellulose gives plants their flexibility and their plastic properties, whereas, lignans give plants their wood like strength.

Dietary insoluble fiber helps fecal matter travel faster through the small intestine, colon, and rectum. It provides bulk and weight to your fecal matter. It makes your stools larger, softer, and stimulates peristaltic movement as it moves through your colon.

Insoluble fiber, like soluble fiber, slows down digestion. It also slows down absorption of protein, starch and fat and has the ability to inhibit the action of digestive enzymes. It also prevents the re-absorption of estrogen, cholesterol, and toxins.

Insoluble fibers are found in vegetables, wheat, and wheat bran. This type of fiber is considered an anti-carcinogen and a digestive aid. It is credited with preventing colon cancer and many other colon diseases.

Sources of Insoluble Fiber
Brown rice
Brussels sprouts
Spinach wheat germ
Whole wheat bread
Whole wheat crackers

Other sources of foods rich in soluble and insoluble fiber are:

Oranges, grapefruit, nectarines, peaches, tangerines, apples, berries, apricots, bananas, figs, prunes

Zucchini, turnips, okra, cabbage, peas, sweet potatoes
Carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, eggplant, okra, Zucchini, greens

Barley, chickpeas, split peas, pinto beans, kidney beans, navy beans, potatoes

Foods rich in fiber contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Some foods contain more of one than the other. Dietary fiber is a necessity for life. Without eating fiber food, disease sets in. Many people who develop illnesses don't eat the required amount of fiber foods. Start now to increase your consumption of fiber foods.

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