Astrology of the Iranian Conflict
Currently there is unrest in Iran.
The conservative Ahmedinajad, backed by the ruling clerical elite, claim a legitimate election and detractors claiming voter fraud.
This has been a catalyst for civil unrest that is becoming more and more out of control and even some of the Mullahs (agents of the clerical oligarchy) are now marching with protesters.
Of course astrology will show this clearly, so let's see what is going on.
There are three main things happening here: 1.
Saturn return to the February 1, 1979 Iran Chart (The current Islamic Republic of Iran started on February 1, 1979) 2.
Jupiter retrograde w / Neptune in Aquarius.
Jupiter is the planet of philosophies and religion, Aquarius is the sign of social reform and seeing to the dignity of all - the common man.
More than another sign, Aquarius is related to Democracy.
Mars/Venus conjunction in Aries, a sign of courageously defending our principles with passion and enthiusiasm.
In Vedic Astrology Aries is the sign of the Rajasic warrior, the active fighter - whereas Sagittarius and Leo (the pother fire signs) are the sign of the Sattwic warrior (bringing nobility to the cause).
There is no Tamasic warrior.
First of all a few dates that are important.
June 12, 2009 is an important date as it was the Iranian election day.
June 15, the first day of violent protests and civilian deaths, is also important.
On June 12 the Moon entered sidereal Capricorn, joined the Sun, Mercury and exalted Mars in the February 12, 1979 Iranian Chart.
It is my feeling that a Capricorn ascendant is the most accurate for the Iranian Chart - making this Moon on election day as being in the first house.
*note: This time makes a Capricorn ascendant - w/ Sun, Mercury, Mars in the first house - Saturn in the 8th house with Rahu - Moon in Pisces in an exchange with exalted Jupiter.
Venus the fifth and 10th house ruler in the 12th house.
This chart describes a militant, closed, fear based and conservative regime - and one propped up by imposing religious ideology (Jupiter, 3rd and 12th lord exchanging with Moon, 5th lord).
The government even has gone so far as to issue state sanctioned killings of writers, supporting terrorism and "jihaad" and advocating wiping Israel off the map.
I am now using this rising sign as the Iran Chart, (7AM) not the time of 9:30 AM that I have seen posted before.
The moon would have transited over all three planets in the ascendant on election day - The Sun, 8th house ruler - Mercury, 6th and 9th house ruler and Mars, 4th and 11th house ruler.
Additionally, Rahu has been in the Iranian first house since May 2008, showing the potential for political fracture and reinvention (also nuclear energy).
On February 15 Jupiter turned retrograde, with the Moon having just transited over the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction the day before - this transit happening in egalitarian Aquarius.
Jupiter retrograde in exact conjunction with Neptune is very powerful as Jupiter turns retrograde for close to five months on this day - he had been stationed for several weeks - moving very slowly.
Jupiter shows our philosophies and the retrograde motion shows things backing up, being reflected upon and internalized.
The influence of Neptune brings a desire to dissolve boundaries and illusion and connect to something higher and more worthy.
In truth, I have a problem with the standard interpretation of Neptune as a higher octave of Venus and see it much more related to Jupiter - as after all - Jupiter is the co-ruler of Pisces (Neptune's supposed sign) NOT Venus.
Jupiter is the planet of abstraction and philosophy, just like Neptune - Venus is very worldly,...
but we'll leave that debate for another time.
So, if we have all of this mystical dreamy desire to dissolve boundaries then why the violence and authoritative backlash.
Well, where there is violence there is Mars - Where there is authoritative response there is Saturn.
By transit Venus began to close on Mars, eventually surpassing him in the sky.
In fact when this crisis began Venus was behind Mars in the Sky and now she is past him, at a higher degree of celestial longitude.
This crisis has unfolded amidst a new Mars/Venus cycle.
Venus and Mars made this same conjunction in Sidereal Aries in 1979.
At that time Iranian women took to the streets to protest the edicts passed down by the Ayatollah and women's rights protests broke out all over the middle east and Japan that year and the Mars/Venus cycle perfected in Aries.
Make a note that a Mars/Venus conjunction in Aries will show issues related to women's rights.
In particular on June 19, Venus, Mars and the Moon joined at exactly 19 of Sidereal Aries.
Venus and Mars danced around the exact same degree until now (June 23).
On Saturday June 20 a young Iranian woman, Neda, was slain in the streets and has now become a martyr for larger social causes.
The Mars/Venus conjunction in Aries ( a masculine warrior sign and said) has shown the danger to women (Venus) and also the potential to empower them after tragedy.
Since then there has been a rise in stature and notoriety of Iranian women in this struggle, long oppressed and marginalized - they are becoming the heroines.
I see this aspect of the conflict will take on new life.
A global rallying cry for Arab women and greater tolerance will follow.
This unrest over the election is shaking the very foundation of fundamentalism in Iran.
This is shown by the Saturn return happening in the February 12, 1979 Iran Chart.
At the inception of the Islamic Republic of Iran Saturn and Rahu were in Leo, the same position of transiting Saturn in the sky now.
This shift is interesting when viewed in relation to the recent US election and the rise of the Democratic party.
The US election of 1980 ushered in the era of Reagan and his republican agenda, which is now all but dead.
The fortunes of Ronald Reagan were closely tied to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979.
This crisis was the most visceral symbol of Jimmy Carter's failure to lead and inspire.
The Iranians released the hostages the day Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president.
The conservative Ahmedinajad, backed by the ruling clerical elite, claim a legitimate election and detractors claiming voter fraud.
This has been a catalyst for civil unrest that is becoming more and more out of control and even some of the Mullahs (agents of the clerical oligarchy) are now marching with protesters.
Of course astrology will show this clearly, so let's see what is going on.
There are three main things happening here: 1.
Saturn return to the February 1, 1979 Iran Chart (The current Islamic Republic of Iran started on February 1, 1979) 2.
Jupiter retrograde w / Neptune in Aquarius.
Jupiter is the planet of philosophies and religion, Aquarius is the sign of social reform and seeing to the dignity of all - the common man.
More than another sign, Aquarius is related to Democracy.
Mars/Venus conjunction in Aries, a sign of courageously defending our principles with passion and enthiusiasm.
In Vedic Astrology Aries is the sign of the Rajasic warrior, the active fighter - whereas Sagittarius and Leo (the pother fire signs) are the sign of the Sattwic warrior (bringing nobility to the cause).
There is no Tamasic warrior.
First of all a few dates that are important.
June 12, 2009 is an important date as it was the Iranian election day.
June 15, the first day of violent protests and civilian deaths, is also important.
On June 12 the Moon entered sidereal Capricorn, joined the Sun, Mercury and exalted Mars in the February 12, 1979 Iranian Chart.
It is my feeling that a Capricorn ascendant is the most accurate for the Iranian Chart - making this Moon on election day as being in the first house.
*note: This time makes a Capricorn ascendant - w/ Sun, Mercury, Mars in the first house - Saturn in the 8th house with Rahu - Moon in Pisces in an exchange with exalted Jupiter.
Venus the fifth and 10th house ruler in the 12th house.
This chart describes a militant, closed, fear based and conservative regime - and one propped up by imposing religious ideology (Jupiter, 3rd and 12th lord exchanging with Moon, 5th lord).
The government even has gone so far as to issue state sanctioned killings of writers, supporting terrorism and "jihaad" and advocating wiping Israel off the map.
I am now using this rising sign as the Iran Chart, (7AM) not the time of 9:30 AM that I have seen posted before.
The moon would have transited over all three planets in the ascendant on election day - The Sun, 8th house ruler - Mercury, 6th and 9th house ruler and Mars, 4th and 11th house ruler.
Additionally, Rahu has been in the Iranian first house since May 2008, showing the potential for political fracture and reinvention (also nuclear energy).
On February 15 Jupiter turned retrograde, with the Moon having just transited over the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction the day before - this transit happening in egalitarian Aquarius.
Jupiter retrograde in exact conjunction with Neptune is very powerful as Jupiter turns retrograde for close to five months on this day - he had been stationed for several weeks - moving very slowly.
Jupiter shows our philosophies and the retrograde motion shows things backing up, being reflected upon and internalized.
The influence of Neptune brings a desire to dissolve boundaries and illusion and connect to something higher and more worthy.
In truth, I have a problem with the standard interpretation of Neptune as a higher octave of Venus and see it much more related to Jupiter - as after all - Jupiter is the co-ruler of Pisces (Neptune's supposed sign) NOT Venus.
Jupiter is the planet of abstraction and philosophy, just like Neptune - Venus is very worldly,...
but we'll leave that debate for another time.
So, if we have all of this mystical dreamy desire to dissolve boundaries then why the violence and authoritative backlash.
Well, where there is violence there is Mars - Where there is authoritative response there is Saturn.
By transit Venus began to close on Mars, eventually surpassing him in the sky.
In fact when this crisis began Venus was behind Mars in the Sky and now she is past him, at a higher degree of celestial longitude.
This crisis has unfolded amidst a new Mars/Venus cycle.
Venus and Mars made this same conjunction in Sidereal Aries in 1979.
At that time Iranian women took to the streets to protest the edicts passed down by the Ayatollah and women's rights protests broke out all over the middle east and Japan that year and the Mars/Venus cycle perfected in Aries.
Make a note that a Mars/Venus conjunction in Aries will show issues related to women's rights.
In particular on June 19, Venus, Mars and the Moon joined at exactly 19 of Sidereal Aries.
Venus and Mars danced around the exact same degree until now (June 23).
On Saturday June 20 a young Iranian woman, Neda, was slain in the streets and has now become a martyr for larger social causes.
The Mars/Venus conjunction in Aries ( a masculine warrior sign and said) has shown the danger to women (Venus) and also the potential to empower them after tragedy.
Since then there has been a rise in stature and notoriety of Iranian women in this struggle, long oppressed and marginalized - they are becoming the heroines.
I see this aspect of the conflict will take on new life.
A global rallying cry for Arab women and greater tolerance will follow.
This unrest over the election is shaking the very foundation of fundamentalism in Iran.
This is shown by the Saturn return happening in the February 12, 1979 Iran Chart.
At the inception of the Islamic Republic of Iran Saturn and Rahu were in Leo, the same position of transiting Saturn in the sky now.
This shift is interesting when viewed in relation to the recent US election and the rise of the Democratic party.
The US election of 1980 ushered in the era of Reagan and his republican agenda, which is now all but dead.
The fortunes of Ronald Reagan were closely tied to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979.
This crisis was the most visceral symbol of Jimmy Carter's failure to lead and inspire.
The Iranians released the hostages the day Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president.