How to Keep Spiders Out of a Crib
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Keep your baby's room clean to avoid attracting spiders.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Vacuum your baby's entire room, not just the crib area, Colorado State University Extension advises. Use a dust mop to reach spider webs and cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling. Removing dust and debris also removes material that makes an attractive nesting area to spiders. - 2). Place books in sealed storage bins. Leave a few stuffed animals out for decoration and place the rest in another storage bin to remove potential nesting areas for spiders.
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Essential oils act as a natural spider and insect repellent.Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images
Combine 2 tbsp. of lavender essential oil with 6 tbsp. of white vinegar in a spray bottle. - 4). Spritz the lavender and vinegar solution on the underside of your baby's crib and along the legs of the crib. Spray a bit of the natural spider repellent in the corners of the rooms and near windowsills to repel spiders. Do this after your baby wakes up in the morning and is removed from the room so the spray has time to settle and the scent dissipates a bit before nap time.