How to Open a Pagan Shop
- 1). Take note of the products you will provide in the shop. Do you want to specialize in books or have a variety of different items such as gifts, candles and divination tools like gazing balls? Plan the services that will also be provided, such as tarot and palm readings, meditation lessons and past-life readings.
Put together at least one community event per year that the public is invited to attend for a day or weekend. Do this during the opening weekend of the shop, providing free readings and allowing vendors to participate in the celebrations. - 2). Find a location for the shop -- at home or in an existing shop along "Main Street." Look at the layout of the space and decide where merchandise will go, where services will be provided and if shelves and counters or tables will be needed.
- 3). Find sources for wholesale pagan products, such as the Pagan/New Age Wholesale Guide and Azure Green. Ask other pagan shop owners which companies they have had success with.
Order the merchandise you will need to start, being sure that you will have certain items, such as candles and incense, stocked out back for quick replacement during the grand opening. - 4). Clean the shop physically, getting all dirt and dust out of the area, then move onto a spiritual cleaning. Choose the method for this cleaning that best suits your needs and your particular pagan practice. offers one suggestion that includes the use of a white candle and a smudge stick.
- 5). Set up your pagan shop. Hang handcrafted items such as protection wreaths and swords on the walls. Place the books on shelves in alphabetical order, by author or in another way that will make sense to the customer. Put expensive items such as gazing balls in glass-enclosed units.
Start an online shop, or at least a have a website that offers a newsletter and lists community and store events.