Dating Tips Level 301 - The 7 Dating Tips Process to Getting Second and Third Dates
For those of you who find yourself wanting to date more often, there are several dating tips for you to consider.
First, ask yourself what problems you are having.
Is it dates with new guys, second and third dates with each guy, or a combination of the two? Then think to yourself, what does it mean.
If you are only going out once with many guys, then it might be one of several variables that you must be aware of and address seriously.
Either way, I follow the professional dating tips rules by telling women to go out with a guy 3 times before you make your decision.
Give it three dates because logically, one of these situations may apply and he might not be himself and you might not ever get to really see him for who he is.
He might not be himself because he might have had a tough day at the office.
He might have a sick family member that day, or he just might be nervous and acting funny.
Guys are shy in the beginning so give it three dates before you dump him.
However, if you are only getting one date with a lot of guys and it's not your choice, in other words, the guys are not calling you back and asking you out again, then consider what you are talking about on the first date.
Do you talk about the two of you together some time in the future? That could be a deal breaker right there.
Do you talk about the second date as if he already asked you out? Or, are you making the golden mistake most women make, they talk about their X on the first date.
Write down each situation and what you said and be aware and see if you can eliminate some of the variables that can increase the percentage of second and third dates you get from each guy.
First, ask yourself what problems you are having.
Is it dates with new guys, second and third dates with each guy, or a combination of the two? Then think to yourself, what does it mean.
If you are only going out once with many guys, then it might be one of several variables that you must be aware of and address seriously.
Either way, I follow the professional dating tips rules by telling women to go out with a guy 3 times before you make your decision.
Give it three dates because logically, one of these situations may apply and he might not be himself and you might not ever get to really see him for who he is.
He might not be himself because he might have had a tough day at the office.
He might have a sick family member that day, or he just might be nervous and acting funny.
Guys are shy in the beginning so give it three dates before you dump him.
However, if you are only getting one date with a lot of guys and it's not your choice, in other words, the guys are not calling you back and asking you out again, then consider what you are talking about on the first date.
Do you talk about the two of you together some time in the future? That could be a deal breaker right there.
Do you talk about the second date as if he already asked you out? Or, are you making the golden mistake most women make, they talk about their X on the first date.
Write down each situation and what you said and be aware and see if you can eliminate some of the variables that can increase the percentage of second and third dates you get from each guy.