Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

HGRB Services Launches " Team Work National!"

There's no doubt that, all year round, homeowners and homerenters across America are victimized by some contractors or people under the guise of residential contractors.

One of these goals of "Team Work National," is to extend our line up of associates in all 50 states .... not just in eight.  This is a national network where people from every state are exposed to the helpful homes services tips we offer.

But, it's sort of grievous when you've got someone in Louisiana, having issues specific to his/her state, but no one there to guide this person [if even via e-mail] to effective remedial and preventative action.

Each state has it's own special mix of affairs.  It's people more readily identify with its own.  There's a special bond.  In a disaster, when people need to re-build, if given the choice, they'd prefer someone representative of their state.

Still, there are far too few of us in this realm of information and advocacy for our homeowners and homerenters.

There is a case where a bullying residential contractor embezelled one of our senior citizen private home dwellers [a widow]  out of $82,000.00 (New York).

Then, yet another case where a contracting firm ripped off a number of homeowners through not doing any of the work promised, to the cumulative sour note of $124,000 (Georgia).

Think that's something, how about this.  There was a contracting firm which ripped off  an untold number of people (2009-2010), never beginning or completing any work, inevitably filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy to avoid paying any of the money back, fines, and prison.

Guess what it's rip off take was?  Oh ... not that much ... only about 50 million dollars! The contracting firm was American Shingle, and the states reportedly affected are:

Alabama        Florida         North Carolina

Arkansas       Georgia       South Carolina

Colorado        Missouri      Tennesee

The contracting firm?  American Shingle.

Do you really want to help our private home dwellers avoid these type situations?  If so,  then we need your help.  We need more people to particpate in our network. You don't even have to leave your home.

Have something to write?  Have you any advice that's useful to  the mission of this network through Team Work National?

Your input is needed, especially from where you are.  Will you join us in this crusade?

Please, make your inquiries here:


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