What Foods Burn Fat? Fat Burns Fat!
In Part 3 of the What Foods Burn Fat Series, I look at how healthy fats can aid in your quest to burning the blubber.
Fat is one of the three nutrient food groups.
Carbohydrates and Protein are the other two.
As mentioned before, I will be focusing on fats here.
What's important to understand here is that also unsaturated fats should be a very essential part of everyone's eating habits.
Here are the facts -
Get Nuts about Nuts! Yes all nuts are a great does of healthy fats, and also contain protein to protect muscle.
Any nuts such as almonds, walnuts and pistachios are good.
Start to eat oily fish such as salmon or tuna, 2 to 3 times per week.
They will ensure your omega levels are content.
Use only oils that are unsaturated such as olive oil, sunflower, canola and soya.
Vegetables such as avocados and peanuts are also a greats sources.
Remember to limit you fat intake, even the healthy ones, as they are still the most calorific nutrient.
So we're looking at a handful of nuts, a tablespoon of oil or half an avocado.
Then you will be well on the way to knowing what foods burn fat.
Fat is one of the three nutrient food groups.
Carbohydrates and Protein are the other two.
As mentioned before, I will be focusing on fats here.
What's important to understand here is that also unsaturated fats should be a very essential part of everyone's eating habits.
Here are the facts -
- You need to focus on eating unsaturated healthy fats (rather than saturated fats) including mono and poly unsaturated fats.
- If you ever see Trans fats on a food label...
throw it out...
its poison.
Trans fat are fats derived from a process called hydrogenation.
Now my question to you do any foods that undertake hydrogenation sound good to you? - Healthy fats contain the essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 which you body and heart needs to improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol for better blood pressure.
They increase you HDL good cholesterol and fight against inflammation. - Saturated Fat, such as those found in fatty cuts of meat, cakes, biscuits, and fried food will cause high levels of bad cholesterol known as LDL.
They will also clog your arteries and heart to stop the flow of blood traffic. - Each gram of fat contain 9 calories as a posed to a gram of carbohydrate or protein which each contain 4 calories.
This is the reason we should be having a little less of this nutrient. - Most importantly the goods fats are the ones that are going to increase your blood circulation, hence flushing the fat cells from your blood stream and making you leaner.
- After carbohydrates, fats are used for energy.
Get Nuts about Nuts! Yes all nuts are a great does of healthy fats, and also contain protein to protect muscle.
Any nuts such as almonds, walnuts and pistachios are good.
Start to eat oily fish such as salmon or tuna, 2 to 3 times per week.
They will ensure your omega levels are content.
Use only oils that are unsaturated such as olive oil, sunflower, canola and soya.
Vegetables such as avocados and peanuts are also a greats sources.
Remember to limit you fat intake, even the healthy ones, as they are still the most calorific nutrient.
So we're looking at a handful of nuts, a tablespoon of oil or half an avocado.
Then you will be well on the way to knowing what foods burn fat.