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Creating Passive Income Using Managed Trading Accounts

Creating hands free passive income and being able to retire early, travel and live comfortably is a dream that almost everyone has but very few actually achieve.

Don't hate me but over the past 5 years I've perfected a sneaky little formula for tricking some of the best Managed Account Traders in the world into growing my money at very high rates while having them thank me for the privilege. So what's my secret to passive profits? Managed trading accounts.

What exactly are MTA's (Managed Trading Accounts) and how can you use them to create multiple streams of passive income?

Well if you aren't up to speed, Managed Trading Accounts are an alternative investment and one of the favorite, but little known strategies used by the "rich" for building wealth.

Think of them as an agreement where a professional trader or licensed trading firm agrees to trade your money (in an account you control) on your behalf and in return you agree to pay them a small percentage anytime they make a profit for you.

What do they trade?

Typically Managed Trading Accounts fall into 1 of 2 asset classes, managed forex accounts and managed futures accounts.

Managed Forex Accounts: These are traded in the forex market (Foreign Exchange) which is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world. It actually trades different currencies like the U.S. Dollar or the British Pound against each other.Managed Futures Accounts - Managed Futures cover a wide spectrum of futures contracts. These include metals (gold, silver), grains (soybeans, corn, wheat), equity indexes (S&P futures, Dow futures, NASDAQ 100 futures), and soft commodities (cotton, cocoa, coffee, sugar) as well as U.S. government bond futures.

It's totally "hands free" passive income. Once you set up the account your work is done! Sit back and let the professional traders do all the work.

The money in your trading account can actually grow while you're at the beach, out on the golf course or even while you're being lazy and just watching TV.

It doesn't matter because you're not the one doing the trading. The "professionals" (the guys that actually know what they're doing) are handling all the trading for you.

Some of the world's top performing traders can achieve monthly returns of 3-15% or more with proven track records of 10 or more years of solid steady performance.

Now that's what you call a win/win situation. But before your mouth starts watering and you start seeing dollar bills dancing in your head there is a catch. Yes there's always a catch.

Every trader is not equal (actually some of them perform poorly) and finding the top performing traders in the world is not only hard, it's near impossible unless you have special connections with the right people.

Even if you're lucky enough to find them, they usually like to only deal with larger investors. So unless you've got a spare 100K or more, most won't even consider taking you on as a client.

You must have connections with the right people to be able to take advantage of managed trading accounts and you need a professional with the contacts and experience to show you how and where to find the best performing traders, as well as how to get them to trade for you even if you don't have a large amount of money.

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