Early HIV Symptoms
- Swollen glands in your neck, armpits or genital area are an early sign of HIV infection and may persist for several weeks.
- Headaches may be frequent or severe two to four weeks after you are infected with HIV and may cause you have mood and sleep changes.
- A persistent, mild fever of 100 F or less is an early sign of HIV infection that lasts for up to four weeks and may return at later stages of the disease.
- Persistently feeling tired without having exerted yourself is an early symptom of HIV that may cause you to need more sleep than usual.
- Diarrhea that lasts for more than one week and is not accompanied by vomiting or abdominal cramping may be a sign of early HIV infection.
- Soreness and redness of your throat may occur a few weeks after you are infected with HIV and may last for up to two weeks.
- Rashes on your skin and in your mouth, along with flushing of your face are early symptoms of HIV that result from your body's reaction to infection.