Health & Medical Acne

Natural Remedies For Acne Treatment

Acne is a very embarrassing condition, raising major psychological problems. In most cases, acne is the result of clogged pores, a skin disorder that arises from a hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands. Fact is you can do something to control this disease. Acne is the most common chronic skin disorder that is characterized by inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Typically, lesions appear on the neck, face, shoulders, and chest.

Scientists have recently found that substances in thyme combat pimples even better than benzoyl peroxide, a chemical used in the classical treatment of acne. Also, thyme tincture is more effective to the skin than the chemicals in conventional treatments, having anti-inflammatory effect.

Drink 2 liters of water daily. Drinking water is essential for clean skin and for maintaining good overall health. Water is necessary for the transportation and disposal of toxic substances out from the body. Also, you can wash your face with marigold tea or nettle tea. The tea can be taken 3 times a day for several weeks.

In some cases, the zinc acne treatment gives good results. For effective treatment, the required daily dosage of zinc is 50 mg, which is administered three times a day.

Lemon contains vitamin C and antioxidants. To combat pimples squeeze a lemon, put the juice in a cup and apply it regularly on the affected areas. This simple treatment improves the appearance of skin and speeds up drying of pimples.

The clay is one of the best treatments for excess sebum control. It is used for oily skin, adding water and mixing until a paste is formed. Applying the paste overnight you can get rid of pimples in few days.

A teaspoon of coriander juice mixed with turmeric bulbs is another effective remedy in treating pimples and blackheads. This paste is applied every night after the face was previously cleaned.

Apply on pimples, mustard or mustard powder mixed with honey. Leave this food that contains salicylic acid to act for 15 minutes and then rinse your face. Besides the content of salicylic acid, mustard abound in vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, all recommended for oily skin.

Powerful anti-infective, burdock heal a variety of skin lesions, including acne. For a greater effect, experts recommend sprinkle the leaves with eucalyptus oil.

Mix two tablespoons of sweet cream and two tablespoons of crushed papaya pulp, until you get a smooth paste. Spread mixture on face, leave for 30 minutes to work and rinse with warm water. Then sprinkle the skin with cold water, remove the tampon and apply calendula cream or lotion with propolis.

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