Health & Medical Women's Health

Female Libido Loss

Female libido is a subject that manywomen are embarrassed to talk about, much less admit that they havea problem with, but this should not be the case.
Many women worldwidesuffer from a low female libido and think that this is the norm andthat they should just learn to live with a poor or non existent sexlife.
A lack of female libido can be attributedto many things and each woman is different.
Things that can affect femalelibido are:
  • Guilt - a woman my havesuffered abuse in the past and as a result may link sexual intercoursewith feelings that make her feel guilty and even fearful, this is allnatural but it can be overcome.
  • Depression - this is oneof the most common ways in which female libido loss can occur and forthe sufferer there seems to be no way of easing the situation.
    Manywomen are unaware that there are ways of increasing female libido, sothey do not look into the subject.
  • Childbirth - this is a timein a woman's life that can be particularly traumatic, especially ifthe birth was especially painful or an episiotomy had to be performed.
    And as a result many women find that their sex life suffers and theywould like help to enhance their female libido.
  • Inability to become aroused- this can happen to any woman at any time although as a woman getsolder she might suffer from a dry vagina.
    This is totally normal andcan sometimes be due to a lack of stimulation, but it can lead to alack of female libido and is very frustrating.
There are many ways of helping a womanto increase her female libido and such methods can include talking therapywhere a woman can speak to a counsellor about her feelings and workthrough them.
Or some doctors believe that anti-depressants are an effectiveway to increase female libido.
However for many women the though ofgoing to a doctor or counselor is out of the question as they wouldprefer to help themselves and not involve anyone else.
If this is thecase then a female libido enhancer is needed.
Female libido enhancement is an areawhich is becoming more and more read and talked about, as women arerealizing that their libido problems can be helped.
And more importantlythey can help themselves by thinking about using natural female libidoenhancers.
There is no need to go to a doctor and add further embarrassmentto your problem with low female libido, you could opt to try using anatural female libido supplement which could spell the end to all yourlow female libido problems.

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