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Successful Text Messaging With Girls

Having the right mindset will make a big difference to the success that you have with texting.
It may sound strange but it is actually mindset which causes more problems than anything else for guys not only with texting but picking up girls in general.
Here you will learn how to develop the right mindset when texting girls.
There is an old saying about Frank Sinatra that "It's his world and we are just living in it".
What was true for the chairman of the board should be true for you to.
There are two important points about this.
Firstly when you are asking a girl out you should be inviting her to something that you are already doing.
This not only will allow you to ask her out multiple times without having to worry about rejection it will also change the way you see your relationship with women.
If you are already doing something and you ask a girl to join you then even if she says no it is no big deal because you haven't made it into a big deal.
You can ask out a different girl to the same event or you can just continue with your plans and enjoy yourself.
While it is good to have women in your life you should plan your life according to what you want to do.
Secondly your reality is whatever you make of it.
If you invite a girl out and she turns you down one reality would be to say that she is rejecting you personally and that no woman will ever love you.
That's one reality.
But another reality would be to suggest that when she declines your invite she is simply playing a game.
And it is your role to be playfully persistent.
This courtship is all part of the fun and to be enjoyed.
Your reality could also say that she enjoys your advances and even if she doesn't most women will so why not try with them? You can take her response either way it really is up to you.
But how you treat her response will have a major impact on your future dating success.
If you see her declining your invite as a major rejection of you as a person then you are probably not going to want to try again with her or any other girl anytime soon.
But if you just seeing her as playing a game and it is your job to be playfully persistent, when can you try again? As soon as you like.
So be careful about the reality that you choose for yourself.
Lastly if you have a mindset that is focused on how soon you should call rather than what messages you should sent then your mind is focused on the wrong thing.
It doesn't really matter how long you take to text her provided that the messages that you send out are saying the right thing.
If you aren't saying the right stuff in your texts or your tone is off then it won't matter how long you wait before you start sending out texts.

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