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Photoelectric vs. Ionization – A Smoke Detector Comparison

Like most people, I have believed that a smoke detector is a smoke detector is a smoke detector. The purpose of the device is pretty simple—It detects smoke. How much more complex can something like that really get? After doing some research, however, I found that the truth of the matter is a bit more in-depth than you might think.

Smoke detectors typically come in two varieties: Photoelectric and ionization. At their most basic level of purpose, each one does what it's supposed to, but they do so in two very different ways. Ionization smoke detectors, in layman's terms, basically detect smoke that is too small for the human eye to see. There's some science to it, but that's the basic idea.

A photoelectric smoke detector works very differently. To break it down very simply, there's essentially a small light inside the sensor itself. When smoke enters the sensor, it causes the light to break up and start reflecting in different directions inside the sensor—And when that happens, it triggers the alarm itself.

When comparing the two, a photoelectric smoke detector is almost universally superior. Ionization detectors are prone to false alarms that are more nuisance than anything else. Have you ever had a little smoke come out of the kitchen while cooking, and out of nowhere the smoke alarm goes off? It's probably because you've been using an ionization detector. A photoelectric detector, on the other hand, doesn't typically get fussy about that sort of thing. They're also much better than ionization detectors at picking up a fire that's been smoldering. This is an important distinction, since it's usually smothering by smoke that kills people in a fire—Not the fire itself. Additionally, in study done by News Channel 5 of Nashville, TN it was shown that a full seven minute difference in alarm-triggering time existed in favor of photoelectric over ionization detectors. This may not seem like much, but it is more than enough of a window to determine whether you and your family are able to escape a deadly situation.

As you can tell from this brief comparison, photoelectric smoke detectors are definitely the better of the two. In light of the differences between the two methods, you should consider opting for only photoelectric smoke detectors, either for your own installation or when choosing a security dealer.. Your family's safety is of the greatest importance, and only those products which better serve that purpose are worth your bottom dollar.

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