Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

List of Check Writing Exercises

    Catalog Shopping

    • Students can leaf through various store catalogs to locate items to be purchased with a check. The students will then practice writing checks for products and services while recording the debit in an invented check register. The beginning monetary amount in the make-believe bank account is determined by the instructor of the lesson.

    Sports Equipment

    • Construct a listing of various sporting equipment applicable to the extracurricular activities your students are interested in. Set a specific price for each item, and create a number of word problems coaching students to identify the sport from the problem, locate all necessary equipment, add the prices for each item and write a check for payment.

    Cell Phone Bills

    • Cell phone bills include monthly rate plan charges, text messages, voice mail, mobile internet, service charges and taxes. Instruct students to calculate all of the charges individually according to a provided usage record and to write a check for the combined fees. Adapt the exercise to television, Internet and electric bills for additional activities.

    A Night Out With Friends

    • Going to dinner and a movie with friends requires a specific amount of funds. List activity options for your students, including prices for appetizers, beverages, dinner options, movie tickets, theater snacks, bowling games, arcade games, ice cream and sporting event tickets. Students can choose options and then write out the applicable checks to fund the evening out with friends.

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