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What Causes Constipation? Find Out The True Cause To Your Constipation Problem

Many people deal with constipation on a daily basis, but very few realize what causes constipation.
Constipation is commonly defined as infrequent bowel movements that are hard and difficult to pass.
The medical community defines constipation as "fewer than three bowel movements per week.
" However, you can experience constipation and still have more than three bowel movements per week.
What really matters when it comes to evaluating constipation is the difficulty a person has in passing stool.
Strain and struggle are not common and not part of healthy bowel function.
Sluggishness, bloating and discomfort can also accompany constipation.
People who experience constipation regularly may feel like being uncomfortable is the only way to live.
However, once you identify what causes constipation you can take steps to eliminate it.
The causes of constipation are many.
There are a host of factors that contribute to what causes constipation.
One of the most common is poor diet.
A diet full of processed foods and few fiber sources is a recipe for constipation problems.
A lack of water also contributes to constipation.
Dehydration directly affects the consistency of stool.
Too little water makes stool harder to pass and leads to constipation.
Constipation can also be caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
This condition makes people experience alternating constipation and diarrhea.
They also experience cramping, bloating and gas.
IBS is managed in a variety of ways, including reducing foods that irritate the small intestine and increasing fiber intake.
Although constipation normally results from dietary imbalances, there are also other less frequent causes.
Medications can also be what causes constipation.
If you have recently started a medication and notice a change in your bowel movements, contact your doctor.
There might be an alternative medication that you can take that won't have the same side effects.
Common medications that cause constipation are certain pain medications, anticonvulsants, diuretics, antacids, iron supplements, blood pressure medications, antidepressants and antispasmodics.
A lack of exercise can also lead to constipation.
Incorporating daily exercise into your routine will help your bowels function properly.
There are also many well-known benefits to exercise including improved heart rate, weight control and mood balance.
People who abuse laxatives often have problems with constipation even after they quit.
Excessive laxatives damage the nerve endings in the colon and inhibit the colon's natural ability to contract.
The colon comes to rely on the laxatives to have a bowel movement.
Now you know what causes constipation.
Treating these causes of constipation will help reduce your symptoms.
But to get to the root of the problem, you'll need to find out the underlying cause of chronic constipation.

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