Health & Medical Acne

Acne Psychological Effects - Acne Impacts More Than Skin

While acne is not a fatal skin condition, it can be easily considered one of the most cruel conditions of the skin.
It often strikes teenagers when they are most psychologically vulnerable.
Not only can acne leave permanent scars on the face, it can also leave permanent scars in the heart.
While it may seem silly to be so affected by physical appearance, it can and does occur since young people are usually extremely concerned about their looks.
If you are a parent of any teenagers suffering from acne, be sure to look out for these behaviors.
Sometimes, counseling may be necessary.
If you are a victim yourself, it is also a good idea to check if you suffer from these psychological symptoms.
Below is a list of psychological effect of acne: 1) Becoming more withdrawn Victims may no longer want to go out so that people cannot see their face.
They may try to avoid their friends, and in a more severe case, even avoid family members.
If the victim is usually very active, it can be a cause for concern.
If necessary, a counseling session can be arranged.
2) Loss of self esteem This is especially true for teenagers, who are usually very concerned about how they look.
In fact, don't be surprised that adults are affected by looks too.
Some people may believe that girls are more concerned about their looks than guys.
But that is not exactly true.
Some guys are deeply affected by how they look too.
3) Being depressed Some teens may start to envy others who have clear skin.
In fact, some of them may have this thought that those who are more attractive are more capable.
This may in turn lead to depression and a lost of self confidence.
4) Anger and frustration Some teenagers may become more hot tempered and flare up easier.
This is understandable as they feel they just can't do anything about it.
Therefore, they need to find some way to express their frustration.
If acne is affecting you or anyone one you love, you should not only look for physical treatment.
In severe cases, psychological treatment may be very necessary as well.

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