Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Job Search 101 - If Proper English Writing is a Challenge Read This

Warning:  I must ask for your permission to speak freely, you see a problem solving info article must tell it like it is.
 So kindly remember dear reader, the following prickly statements are designed solely to help you get ahead in life.
   It is my duty to inform you, that you are revealing some serious weaknesses, which would be better left to ones imagination.
 Let me start with the most common one, dreadful writing skills.
  One of the biggest improvements you can possibly make to get more interviews is to consider every business email as a form of professional communication.
  We all know the popularity of texting today, but there is a distinct and important difference between texts and business emails.
 Recently, I paid a visit to a recruiting office to rewrite some profiles (resumes/CVs) for some  candidates they wanted to place.
 I opened these emails.
 Honestly, I can tell you there was no chance  of any sane hiring manager ever bothering to review these candidates' resumes.
 But, fortunately for these would be candidates who sent these emails, there was a problematic shortage of talent in their profession at the moment.
  Now that you know the quality and professionalism of your emails will always be judged, there are several solutions that will help.
 Make a phone call or leave a voice mail instead.
 Cut and paste your professionally written cover letter/follow up letter/thank you letter into the email so you will not have to write.
 Another helpful solution would be to leave a phone number and a voice mail number only in the application process, on your letter head and on the resume.
 If anyone asks you can simply say, my PC is temporarily out of commission.
 If you need to, hire a professional writer to give it a review.
 They are not expensive.
  Since your career, finances and future is on the line, why would you want to reveal such a serious weakness.
 Don't get me wrong now, we all have them.
 It is just that they should not be advertised.
  It does not matter whether you are an immigrant, speaking English as a second language or just disliked English in college.
 Your writing speaks volumes about you.
  Keeping this same important strategy in mind, if there are any doubts have your public Internet presence reviewed by someone too.
  This would include your: MySpace page, LinkedIn profile, Facebook pages, Google, Bing, and Yahoo search engine results.
 You would not believe the stuff that pops up in the search engine results on peoples' names who are trying to get hired.
 You must clean it, polish it and make it professional.
 Fortunately, you can also adjust your settings on social media pages so only people who know you have access.
 You see we live in a highly specialized society, and delegation is a good thing.
 Taking control of your professional image is priority one.

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