Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Eczema And Menopause - Changes Of Life And Skin Problems

Eczema is commonly associated with menopause because it is one of the symptoms that can occur during this difficult time of life.
Because there is a reduction in the amount of estrogen in the body, the collagen in the skin begins change.
A lot of people's skin becomes thin and dry as they start to age, which can cause problems such as itching.
Knowing how to recognize the signs of eczema and treat it appropriately is important, especially if you are in your 50s or 60s when menopause is common.
A lot of people who have eczema experience the peeling of their own skin as well as itching.
These are two very common signs of eczema and there are numerous ways to treat it.
The first thing that you should do to fight this symptom of menopause is to get a good moisturizer which you will need to apply daily.
Get one that has plenty of Vitamin E and A.
After you do this for a while you should start to notice a very significant difference in the way your skin feels and dryness as well as itching should improve.
The more you scratch your dry the skin the worse it will become.
Try to keep from aggravating it even further.
Sometimes people with eczema need to test a few different moisturizer products before they find something that works for them.
Do not get discouraged as you go through this process.
You will be able to find some moisturizing product that will be able to assist with the symptoms of your eczema.
Sometimes women who go through menopause experience this as a side-effect, and it more common than most people think.
Each year dermatologists see thousands of people who have this problem, so it is certainly nothing to be embarrassed about.
Also staying out of the sun as much as possible is important, because over exposure to UV rays will end up damaging and drying out the skin.
Even though itchy skin in the form of eczema is a somewhat minor side-effect of menopause, it can still be a very frustrating one.
Preventing further damage is important with any skin problem since bacterial infections can occur with open and inflamed areas.

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