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Fantastic Emotions To Elicit In Her That Will Create Irresistible Sexual Attraction

How do you get a girl to like you? Impress her with your watch, your clothes, your car? Talk about how powerful you are at your job, or maybe give her some over the top compliments that show how insightful and creative you are? Think about minute about why these work, when they work.
They work not because the information itself has some kind of magical power.
They work because they elicit emotions in her that in turn lead to attraction.
Female attraction is based on emotions.
In fact, all human "instincts" of which attraction is the most important, are based on emotions.
If you create the right emotions, attraction is automatic, and can't be stopped.
Guys tend not to realize this because for us, attraction is instant.
We see an attractive girl, and BAM, we're attracted.
We don't have any choice.
Bottom line: Some girls turn us on, some girls don't.
We don't have any say in the matter.
When you can create the right emotions in a girl, the same thing will happen.
She'll feel attracted, and she won't have any say in the matter.
How do you do this? By creating those emotions.
The first emotion you've got to elicit is that of comfort.
You can do this by mirroring and matching her body language, and rate of speech.
The first portion of the conversation should be focused on finding similarities, not differences.
Back and forth conversation.
Make her feel as comfortable with you as possible.
The next emotion to shoot for is fascination.
When she feels fascination while talking to you, guess what she'll think about when she thinks about you later? Fascination, that's what! How do you create fascination? Start talking about things that fascinate you.
Always go first.
Then find out what fascinates her.
Ask her open ended questions that get her talking further about it.
Next, you want to target desire.
Again, follow the same strategy.
Talk about things you really want to get in life.
Get her talking about things that she wants to get in life.
Anything is fine, so long as it's an honest desire on her part.
Then start talking about the feeling of desire itself.
This will feel like an abstract, and almost hypnotic conversation.
I can guarantee you that most guys don't talk with her about abstract emotions like desire.
What will this do? She'll feel comfortable with you, she'll feel a certain amount of fascination about you, and she'll feel a certain amount of desire when she thinks of you.
What does this add up to? Irresistible sexual attraction!

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