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Motivational Evaluation of Barack Obama

Barack Obama, as with all humans, has an internal drive for motivation that has helped him to get where he is today and where he will be in the future.
The psychoanalytic view believes that motivation is determined within us by sexuality and aggression drives.
The humanistic view believes that motivation is determined by our needs and how the environment helps us to achieve those needs for self-determination and self-fulfillment.
The diversity view believes that motivation is a combination of internal and external drives.
These three views will be looked at to determine how Barack Obama's determination and choices in selling himself to the American people to be the next President are motivated.
In the psychoanalytic view we look at Sigmund Freud's writing on Civilization and Its Discontents.
"Human beings and societies are in constant conflict...
society is built on the repression of sex and aggression.
As a result, humans are generally anxious, miserable, and often neurotic" (Monte, C.
, 1995).
Barack Obama learned about and addressed the American people's anxieties and neuroticism well.
He has asked society what they feel anxiety about and has offered a solution to all the problems the American people are worrying about today in our society to end the neuroticism people are feeling.
If Barack Obama can sell the American people on his solutions to fix the problems American's are facing, he may have a better chance of winning the election and being the next President of the United States.
In the humanistic view, Barack Obama has been driven by his needs to have a sense of belonging with the American people, build esteem by showing he is knowledgeable and capable of dealing with the problems of the American people, that he has achieved many successes in his life with community organizations, he has built recognition and prestige with the American people to show his record of doings and plans for the future for change.
The self-actualization will come when and if he is able to do what he says and deals with the crisis the American people are dealing with as he has in his past record.
If he can do what he says he can do, positive reinforcement from the American people may be four more years if elected, economic prosperity and independence from other countries resources.
In the domestic view, Barack Obama's motive and goals are different than other candidates or even other peoples.
Barack Obama's motivations, according to Murray's psychogenic needs, seem to be strongest in achievement, affiliation, aggression, dominance, exhibition, nurturance, order, succorance and understanding.
Barack Obama in his campaign for Presidency has shown all these motivations in rallies and debates on his policies of what he wants to change when elected.
Barack has shown achievement with his past in community organizing of raising funds for programs that benefitted those community members, affiliation with the American people to cooperate in efforts of similar goals, aggression and dominance to run against Senator McCain and failed policies, exhibition of himself to the American people so they know who he is and what he stands for, nurturance to provide the American people with the support they need to be economically stable, order by priority of what is important for change, succorance of others who surround him and support his policies to be a united force and understanding of his theory of change to help the American people understand the direction he wants to take America in.
Barack Obama is driven by internal and environmental factors towards motivation for becoming the possible next President of the United States.
He is motivated to help the United States citizens to be absent from their anxieties to work alongside communities to help its citizens benefit, and is motivated by his and the American's citizens goals to promote economic stability and independence from other countries resources.
If he can do what he says he is going to do, he just may fulfill his need for self-actualization and our need for a leader who can do it.
Reference Monte, C.
, 1995.
Beneath the Mask: An Introduction to Theories of Personality.
Published by Hartcourt Brace.
Fort Worth, TX.

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