Health & Medical Lose Weight

Cut 100 calories a day from your diet

The secret to losing weight successfully is making small and progressive lifestyle changes until we develop completely new lifestyle habits and achieve our ideal weight.

In this article we show you how to make small changes to your diet in order to lose weight.

No matter how much weight we want to lose, the principles are the same; start slowly, build momentum and stick with it.

100 Calories per day can make a difference.

Those of us who are overweight didn't reach our current weight overnight.

By over consuming as little as 20 calories per day, we are all capable of putting on two and a half pounds of unwanted weight per year.

The good news is that if we under consume as little as 20 calories per day; we are all capable of losing two and a half pounds of unwanted weight per year.

One and a quarter pounds of body fat is equivalent to approximately 3,500 calories. So, to lose one and a quarter pounds of fat per month, all you need to do is cut a little more than 100 calories a day from your current diet.

Now I know some of you are saying that 15 pounds in one year just isn't enough.

But remember, that research proves that those of us who lose weight slowly are much more likely to keep it off long-term and our goal here is to make small changes that we can live with and build upon.

For example, if in addition to cutting 100 calories a day from our diet we begin to burn an extra 250 calories a day by walking for half an hour, we can lose a further 25 pounds of weight for a total of around 40 pounds per year.

20 easy ways to cut 100 calories a day

Here are 20 painless ways to cut 100 or more calories a day from your diet:

1. Use low-fat or non-fat milk throughout the day instead of full cream milk.

2. Spread all-fruit jam on your toast rather than butter.

3. Eat 2 poached eggs instead of 2 fried eggs.

4. Snack on an orange and a banana instead of a candy bar.

5. Replace thick sausages with thin sausages to save around 100 calories per sausage.

6. Eat a slice of bread or two less per day.

7. Eat one less chocolate biscuit.

8. Eat one half of a donut less.

9. Eat a small muffin instead of large muffin.

10. Use a sugar substitute.

11. Split an apple Danish with a friend rather than eat the entire thing.

12. Replace strawberry topping on your ice cream with fresh strawberries.

13. Eat a turkey sandwich instead of a chicken salad sandwich.

14. Drink diet Coke or Pepsi instead of regular Coke or Pepsi.

15. Have one less whole milk Latte or Cappuccino.

16. Have a medium sized fries at McDonalds instead of a large size.

17. Have a regular Coke at McDonalds instead of a large sized Coke.

18. Have two bites less of a Pizza Hut pizza. For each slice less save around 300 calories.

19. Order a sandwich with barbecued chicken instead of barbecued pork.

20. Share a cookie at Subway with a friend or don't buy one at all with your sandwich.

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