Pets & Animal Pets Birds

Is Crape Myrtle Toxic to Parrots?


    • Crape myrtle wood is safe for birds to chew, for use as toys and for use as perches, according to M. D. Vaden, certified landscape technician and arborist. The Eclectus Parrots website lists crape myrtle as a tree consumed by wild Eclectus parrots. The ASPCA also lists crape myrtle as nontoxic for horses, cats and dogs.

    Crape Myrtle

    • Crape myrtle belongs to the species Lagerstroemia. Crape myrtle trees have much to recommend them. The long-lived trees offer showy flowers, fall foliage color, winter form, persistent fruit and peeling bark. The trees need yearly pruning to create larger blooms, notes the University of Florida IFAS Extension. Pruned branches and thinned stems, taken when shaping the tree, can be used in your parrots' environment.


    • If you collect wood for use with your parrots, ensure that the wood has not been exposed to potentially harmful chemicals, such as pesticides. Chemical control is not recommended for use on larger crape myrtle trees, according to the Clemson Cooperative Extension. Because of this, you may find it safer to either collect wood from larger crape myrtles -- rather than dwarf or semi-dwarf cultivars -- or trees under your own care and control. M. D. Vaden's website reminds bird owners that residue from municipal weed-control efforts, deck sprays and runoff from roofs can coat wood on nearby trees.


    • Clean crape myrtle wood before using it in your birds' cages and clean the wood when you clean your cages. The Pet Education website recommends using sandpaper to remove droppings from perches, then washing and rinsing them before disinfecting with a solution of 1/2 cup bleach to 1 gallon of water. Replace worn or chewed perches with new wood.

    Chewing Behavior

    • Chewing is a natural behavior in parrots. By providing wood for your parrots to chew, you reduce the chances that they will chew items that are unsafe or express their chewing behavior in a negative fashion. Selecting bird-safe woods is important because your parrots may ingest pieces of wood placed in their cages for use as toys or perches.

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