Business & Finance Taxes

Applying for a Disaster Recovery Loan from the SBA

Here are the forms you need to complete to submit to the SBA for disaster assistance. Note that if you fail to complete all of the forms and in the proper manner, your loan may be delayed or denied. To receive a disaster recovery loan for physical damage due to a declared disaster, you will need to fill out an SBA Form 5 or 5C. In addition to the form you will need:

  • Copies of your 3 most recent federal income tax returns, including all schedules. If you have a new business, submit any forms you have filed.

  • A Tax Authorization Form (IRS Form 8821). Note that sole proprietors only need to submit Form 8821 and not the SBA Form 5 or 5C.
  • A current business balance sheet, prepared within the last 90 days, a current profit and loss statement, and a current listing of all your business liabilities on SBA Form 2202.
  • A recent personal financial statement(dated within the last 90 days) for all owners with 20% or more interest in the business, and each general partner. You will also need each person's most recent tax return and the IRS Form 8821. Individuals with an ownership interest need only supply an IRS Form 8821 and a personal financial statement.
  • A complete copy of the latest federal tax return (including all schedules) for each "affiliate" (business parents, subsidiaries or other businesses with common ownership or management). Each affiliate must sign the IRS Form 8821.
  • If you are applying for assistance with physical damage, complete and sign the Verification of Business Property form (SBA Form 739A).

  • If your insurance covers all or part of the loss, provide the name and phone number of your insurance agent, the policy number, and the insurance company.
  • If you are applying for an EIDL, you will also need to complete an SBA Form 1368, verifying your monthly sales.
Next, a list of requirements and restrictions you should read.
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