Weight Loss - The pH Diet Program
Whether you're simply looking to firm-up before summertime or want to lose some serious weight - this plan will produce results for you - if you stick with it that is.
Hopefully, you'll transform from a "diet" mentality to a "lifestyle" mentality.
I'm convinced that after seeing the incredible results from this program, you'll become addicted to the way you look and feel.
I'm not going to promise you pie-in-the-sky results.
However, this program will cause you to lose weight quickly and safely.
You'll be properly nourished throughout the entire program...
and that's the reason the weight will come off.
Let me also assure you...
this program is not a hard program to follow.
You won't go through periods of hunger.
As a matter of fact, you'll be eating much more frequently than normal - just in smaller portions.
The pH Diet For Weight Loss will turn your body into a furnace...
constantly and efficiently burning everything you feed it.
Why Getting Your pH Back In Balance Will Help Shed Pounds As your body becomes more and more acidic, it becomes less efficient.
Acidification negatively impacts your ability to digest food and absorb nutrients.
It slows your metabolism down, and taxes every system in your body.
Here are a few ways that acidity contributes to weight gain: Stomach: Acidification is related to mineral deficiency.
When you become deficient in a macro mineral called chloride, your ability to digest food in your stomach becomes inhibited.
In order to digest food with protein, for example, your body will use chloride in order to make hydrochloric acid (HCL).
If you're deficient in chloride, the HCL that your stomach produces will not be acidic enough (the stomach is the one organ that you want to be very acidic).
This leads to improperly digested food, causing the rest of the digestive organs to have to work harder in order to compensate.
Intestines: When food is passed on from the stomach into the small intestines, it's mixed with bile from the liver, and pancreatic juice from the pancreas.
These fluids must be alkaline in order to function properly.
If your body lacks the proper mineral balance, it will lead to and acidic environment in the intestines.
In this environment, proper digestion does not take place, food ferments, and it putrefies.
This environment becomes a breeding ground for all sorts of bad organisms to grow.
As these bacteria and yeasts proliferate, they can literally bore holes through intestinal walls, causing leaky gut.
Now, all of that pollution starts to create toxicity throughout your entire body.
At the same time, the lack of proper digestion leads to poor assimilation of vital nutrients.
Liver: The liver is your primary detoxification organ.
As your body becomes more acidic and polluted, you place so much stress on your liver that it simply can't keep up with the load.
This stress in turn leads to more stress on every other body system.
This all helps to contribute to the excessive storage of...
Fat is a binder of toxins.
This is truth is well documented.
As a matter of fact, the United States Environmental Protection Agency studied fat biopsies on over 400 individuals; the results were alarming.
Every one of them contained toxins (more than 100 different toxins were identified).
So, imagine the scenario: Because of an acidic body, microforms grow (bad bacteria, yeasts & fungi), producing all sorts of toxins (mycotoxins and exotoxins).
Your liver, which is already overly stressed with it's every day duties, simply can't process these toxins.
Also, the acidity and lack of minerals needed to process toxins are lacking - so not only is your liver too busy and burdened, it's not even being supplied with the necessary elements (minerals) in order to do a very effective job.
Your body has a wonderful way of dealing with this problem...
store the toxins in your fat! However...
because this fat is in essence "saving your life" from toxins, you will have a tough time burning it - even if you went on a crash diet - your body won't allow it to happen.
In addition to this, because your whole body is literally stressed out, your metabolism slows down greatly, causing you to store any extra calories you don't need as fat.
At the end of the day, fat is a toxin problem, and toxins are an acid problem.
When you get your entire biochemistry and pH back in order, you'll see the excess weight literally melt away! The Program I will now outline a very practical way to alkalize your body, which will lead to a natural reduction in excess weight.
If you stick to the protocol, you'll see incredible results.
I will discuss diet and supplementation in this section.
The purpose of eating the recommended foods is, of course, to get the recommended nutrients.
If you are acidic, the types of nutrients that you lack are different than if your pH is balanced.
Proper pH balance occurs in your body when there is a proper synergy and abundance of all nutrients.
These are the essential nutrients that you'll derive from the alkaline foods or supplements that will help you to balance your pH and lose weight: Water: This is the most important element that your body needs.
Of course you've heard this your whole life, but it's important that you actually do what you've heard.
While some "experts" say to drink eight 8 oz.
glasses per day, it is my professional opinion that this is only half the amount that you actually need.
On top of that, since you want to cleanse your whole system out, I recommend that you drink one liter for every 30 lbs of body weight.
So, if you weigh 150 lbs, you need to drink 5 liters of water per day during this program.
Not only will it serve to flush acids and toxins out of your body, it will also help to keep your hunger in check.
It's just as important to consider the quality of the water that you're drinking as it is the quantity.
During this program (and thereafter), you'll want to drink highly mineralized, alkaline water.
This will supply vital trace elements, and act as a buffer to acids in your system.
This type of water is also better absorbed by the cells in your body because of its structure.
Adding pH Booster drops to water will increase the pH of it by as much as 500 times.
It's a good idea to make a gallon or more at a time, so it's always readily available when you want it.
Also, get in a habit of carrying a bottle of water with you everywhere you go.
Besides drinking water, you'll get water from eating plenty of fresh vegetables.
Alkaline Minerals: These include potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, as well as manganese and iron.
Maintaining proper mineral balance is foundational for pH balance.
When you have abundant reserves of these minerals, your body will have the buffering capacity to neutralize excess acids in your bodily tissues and fluids.
Trace Minerals: These are the forgotten minerals...
numbering 70 plus.
They serve very specific "niche" roles in the body.
Unfortunately, because of the agricultural trends over the last century, much of the soil that your food is grown in is devoid of these vital trace minerals.
This program will help to replenish depleted reserves of these minerals.
Enzymes: Enzymes are the spark-plug of life.
Without them, life would not exist.
They occur naturally in living foods...
those that are not cooked or processed.
They are required not only in digestion, but in literally millions of different chemical transactions that occur within your body every day.
Acidification is synonymous with enzyme deficiency.
Every time you eat a food that is cooked, microwaved, processed or packaged, you're eating a food that is essentially "dead".
The enzymes that were present in them that are required for digestion and nutrient assimilation are now gone.
The constant ingestion of these types of foods severely taxes every organ in your body.
This program, which is high in fresh, raw food, will help to replenish these vital proteins in your body.
Even as you begin to use fat stores as a fuel source, you'll need enzymes (lipase) to bread down the solid fats into fatty acids.
This process is what will eventually result in those excess pounds coming off.
Fiber: Fiber plays a critical role in weight management.
Studies suggest that people who add an extra 14 grams per day to their diet could expect to lose 4 pounds in a matter of weeks and decrease food intake by as much as 10%.
Your current diet probably does not contain enough fiber.
The average American consumes 15 grams of fiber daily -- 10 grams less than the minimum recommended amount of 25 mg.
This program will boost your fiber intake well beyond the daily minimum RDA.
This will help the digestive process, as well as give you a "full" feeling...
which will cause you to eat less.
The pH Balancing Diet During this program, your diet will consist primarily of the following raw foods: Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Beans, Fresh cold pressed oils, and protein powder.
These foods are alkalizing, where as foods like meat, eggs, processed grains, sugar, packaged foods, cooked foods, and most condiments are moderately to extremely acidifying.
The diet is quite simple.
Eat at least six times per day, and keep portion sizes small.
Some call this type of eating "grazing".
Most of these foods (with the exception of oils) are low in calories.
However, calorie count is not the key to this diet...
acid count is.
By eating these types of alkalizing foods, you'll introduce nutritional elements that will help to neutralize and purge out excess acids and toxins that are causing your over weight state.
You'll also be refraining from acidifying foods at the same time, so you'll be giving your body a break at the same time.
A complete list of alkalizing and acidifying foods along with recipes can be found on The Phion Nutrition web site (see below).
Move Your Body You don't have to kill yourself in the gym in order to experience the benefits of healthy movement.
The key is to move...
to breathe and sweat.
Get your heart rate up, and your blood circulating.
By exercising regularly, you'll greatly amplify the benefits of this alkalizing diet and supplement program.
Not all exercise is the same, though.
It's much better to keep your heart rate low for longer periods of time, vs.
keeping it high for a shorter period of time.
As a general rule, you should not have to catch your breath when exercising...
if you do, you're heart rate is too high.
This will result in the burning of sugar as your fuel source, vs.
the burning of fat (which is what you want).
When you burn sugar, it produces lactic acid in your body - which, of course is not a very good thing if you can't effectively neutralize it.
It's important to make this program a lifestyle over time.
Once you get to your ideal weight, you're going to want to keep it off...
correct? Do the same things that brought you success during this program every day thereafter.
The longer you remain in a state of optimal health, and have the body that makes you feel great inside, the more you'll be likely to keep it up.
One last thing...
give yourself a pat on the back.
You should be proud of yourself for taking the steps to improve the quality of your health, and the quality of your life.
Keep a smile on your face, don't make this program a "chore" - have fun with it.
Nothing - I mean nothing - feels as good as a healthy, vibrant, energetic, and lean body.
Nothing feels as good as radiant health! So...
go get it.
Hopefully, you'll transform from a "diet" mentality to a "lifestyle" mentality.
I'm convinced that after seeing the incredible results from this program, you'll become addicted to the way you look and feel.
I'm not going to promise you pie-in-the-sky results.
However, this program will cause you to lose weight quickly and safely.
You'll be properly nourished throughout the entire program...
and that's the reason the weight will come off.
Let me also assure you...
this program is not a hard program to follow.
You won't go through periods of hunger.
As a matter of fact, you'll be eating much more frequently than normal - just in smaller portions.
The pH Diet For Weight Loss will turn your body into a furnace...
constantly and efficiently burning everything you feed it.
Why Getting Your pH Back In Balance Will Help Shed Pounds As your body becomes more and more acidic, it becomes less efficient.
Acidification negatively impacts your ability to digest food and absorb nutrients.
It slows your metabolism down, and taxes every system in your body.
Here are a few ways that acidity contributes to weight gain: Stomach: Acidification is related to mineral deficiency.
When you become deficient in a macro mineral called chloride, your ability to digest food in your stomach becomes inhibited.
In order to digest food with protein, for example, your body will use chloride in order to make hydrochloric acid (HCL).
If you're deficient in chloride, the HCL that your stomach produces will not be acidic enough (the stomach is the one organ that you want to be very acidic).
This leads to improperly digested food, causing the rest of the digestive organs to have to work harder in order to compensate.
Intestines: When food is passed on from the stomach into the small intestines, it's mixed with bile from the liver, and pancreatic juice from the pancreas.
These fluids must be alkaline in order to function properly.
If your body lacks the proper mineral balance, it will lead to and acidic environment in the intestines.
In this environment, proper digestion does not take place, food ferments, and it putrefies.
This environment becomes a breeding ground for all sorts of bad organisms to grow.
As these bacteria and yeasts proliferate, they can literally bore holes through intestinal walls, causing leaky gut.
Now, all of that pollution starts to create toxicity throughout your entire body.
At the same time, the lack of proper digestion leads to poor assimilation of vital nutrients.
Liver: The liver is your primary detoxification organ.
As your body becomes more acidic and polluted, you place so much stress on your liver that it simply can't keep up with the load.
This stress in turn leads to more stress on every other body system.
This all helps to contribute to the excessive storage of...
Fat is a binder of toxins.
This is truth is well documented.
As a matter of fact, the United States Environmental Protection Agency studied fat biopsies on over 400 individuals; the results were alarming.
Every one of them contained toxins (more than 100 different toxins were identified).
So, imagine the scenario: Because of an acidic body, microforms grow (bad bacteria, yeasts & fungi), producing all sorts of toxins (mycotoxins and exotoxins).
Your liver, which is already overly stressed with it's every day duties, simply can't process these toxins.
Also, the acidity and lack of minerals needed to process toxins are lacking - so not only is your liver too busy and burdened, it's not even being supplied with the necessary elements (minerals) in order to do a very effective job.
Your body has a wonderful way of dealing with this problem...
store the toxins in your fat! However...
because this fat is in essence "saving your life" from toxins, you will have a tough time burning it - even if you went on a crash diet - your body won't allow it to happen.
In addition to this, because your whole body is literally stressed out, your metabolism slows down greatly, causing you to store any extra calories you don't need as fat.
At the end of the day, fat is a toxin problem, and toxins are an acid problem.
When you get your entire biochemistry and pH back in order, you'll see the excess weight literally melt away! The Program I will now outline a very practical way to alkalize your body, which will lead to a natural reduction in excess weight.
If you stick to the protocol, you'll see incredible results.
I will discuss diet and supplementation in this section.
The purpose of eating the recommended foods is, of course, to get the recommended nutrients.
If you are acidic, the types of nutrients that you lack are different than if your pH is balanced.
Proper pH balance occurs in your body when there is a proper synergy and abundance of all nutrients.
These are the essential nutrients that you'll derive from the alkaline foods or supplements that will help you to balance your pH and lose weight: Water: This is the most important element that your body needs.
Of course you've heard this your whole life, but it's important that you actually do what you've heard.
While some "experts" say to drink eight 8 oz.
glasses per day, it is my professional opinion that this is only half the amount that you actually need.
On top of that, since you want to cleanse your whole system out, I recommend that you drink one liter for every 30 lbs of body weight.
So, if you weigh 150 lbs, you need to drink 5 liters of water per day during this program.
Not only will it serve to flush acids and toxins out of your body, it will also help to keep your hunger in check.
It's just as important to consider the quality of the water that you're drinking as it is the quantity.
During this program (and thereafter), you'll want to drink highly mineralized, alkaline water.
This will supply vital trace elements, and act as a buffer to acids in your system.
This type of water is also better absorbed by the cells in your body because of its structure.
Adding pH Booster drops to water will increase the pH of it by as much as 500 times.
It's a good idea to make a gallon or more at a time, so it's always readily available when you want it.
Also, get in a habit of carrying a bottle of water with you everywhere you go.
Besides drinking water, you'll get water from eating plenty of fresh vegetables.
Alkaline Minerals: These include potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, as well as manganese and iron.
Maintaining proper mineral balance is foundational for pH balance.
When you have abundant reserves of these minerals, your body will have the buffering capacity to neutralize excess acids in your bodily tissues and fluids.
Trace Minerals: These are the forgotten minerals...
numbering 70 plus.
They serve very specific "niche" roles in the body.
Unfortunately, because of the agricultural trends over the last century, much of the soil that your food is grown in is devoid of these vital trace minerals.
This program will help to replenish depleted reserves of these minerals.
Enzymes: Enzymes are the spark-plug of life.
Without them, life would not exist.
They occur naturally in living foods...
those that are not cooked or processed.
They are required not only in digestion, but in literally millions of different chemical transactions that occur within your body every day.
Acidification is synonymous with enzyme deficiency.
Every time you eat a food that is cooked, microwaved, processed or packaged, you're eating a food that is essentially "dead".
The enzymes that were present in them that are required for digestion and nutrient assimilation are now gone.
The constant ingestion of these types of foods severely taxes every organ in your body.
This program, which is high in fresh, raw food, will help to replenish these vital proteins in your body.
Even as you begin to use fat stores as a fuel source, you'll need enzymes (lipase) to bread down the solid fats into fatty acids.
This process is what will eventually result in those excess pounds coming off.
Fiber: Fiber plays a critical role in weight management.
Studies suggest that people who add an extra 14 grams per day to their diet could expect to lose 4 pounds in a matter of weeks and decrease food intake by as much as 10%.
Your current diet probably does not contain enough fiber.
The average American consumes 15 grams of fiber daily -- 10 grams less than the minimum recommended amount of 25 mg.
This program will boost your fiber intake well beyond the daily minimum RDA.
This will help the digestive process, as well as give you a "full" feeling...
which will cause you to eat less.
The pH Balancing Diet During this program, your diet will consist primarily of the following raw foods: Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Beans, Fresh cold pressed oils, and protein powder.
These foods are alkalizing, where as foods like meat, eggs, processed grains, sugar, packaged foods, cooked foods, and most condiments are moderately to extremely acidifying.
The diet is quite simple.
Eat at least six times per day, and keep portion sizes small.
Some call this type of eating "grazing".
Most of these foods (with the exception of oils) are low in calories.
However, calorie count is not the key to this diet...
acid count is.
By eating these types of alkalizing foods, you'll introduce nutritional elements that will help to neutralize and purge out excess acids and toxins that are causing your over weight state.
You'll also be refraining from acidifying foods at the same time, so you'll be giving your body a break at the same time.
A complete list of alkalizing and acidifying foods along with recipes can be found on The Phion Nutrition web site (see below).
Move Your Body You don't have to kill yourself in the gym in order to experience the benefits of healthy movement.
The key is to move...
to breathe and sweat.
Get your heart rate up, and your blood circulating.
By exercising regularly, you'll greatly amplify the benefits of this alkalizing diet and supplement program.
Not all exercise is the same, though.
It's much better to keep your heart rate low for longer periods of time, vs.
keeping it high for a shorter period of time.
As a general rule, you should not have to catch your breath when exercising...
if you do, you're heart rate is too high.
This will result in the burning of sugar as your fuel source, vs.
the burning of fat (which is what you want).
When you burn sugar, it produces lactic acid in your body - which, of course is not a very good thing if you can't effectively neutralize it.
It's important to make this program a lifestyle over time.
Once you get to your ideal weight, you're going to want to keep it off...
correct? Do the same things that brought you success during this program every day thereafter.
The longer you remain in a state of optimal health, and have the body that makes you feel great inside, the more you'll be likely to keep it up.
One last thing...
give yourself a pat on the back.
You should be proud of yourself for taking the steps to improve the quality of your health, and the quality of your life.
Keep a smile on your face, don't make this program a "chore" - have fun with it.
Nothing - I mean nothing - feels as good as a healthy, vibrant, energetic, and lean body.
Nothing feels as good as radiant health! So...
go get it.