Uses of Webbed Hoses
- Webbed hosing is used for fire hoses.hose image by Ni Chun from
Webbed hoses are flat woven nylon tubes that are extremely strong. They can withstand weight from 1,200 to 4,000 pounds without breaking. They have a smooth texture so they do not irritate hands. They come in various colors and dimensions. - Webbed hosing is commonly used to cover another material to protect skin from irritation or damage. It is used over metal hardware, such as lawn chairs or tent rods. It is also used to cover rope or elastic, such as drawstrings, to prevent rope burn. It holds better over rope since it prevents fraying.
- Webbed hoses are used in garden hoses. The webbed part is the lining around the hose. Garden hoses are supported with the webbed hosing to provide leak protection and support from use and weather wear. Firefighters use flat webbed hoses. Since nylon is an extremely strong fabric, it withstands the wear and tear from fighting fires.
- Some camping and hiking equipment uses webbed hosing; for example, straps for hiking are made with it because of its high weight tolerance. It's reliable to hold climbers and their packs. Webbed hosing is good for rafting since it can be in the water without wearing thin. It can be used to tie strong knots and can be undone easily, even if the knot has been pulled tight.