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Does Intimacy Matter?

How critical do you think intimacy inside the bedroom is to your overall relationship? This may sound like a trick question to some people, but it isn't.
Most couples just downplay the importance of intimacy inside the bedroom.
It could actually be a determining factor in how long your relationship lasts and how well you get along outside of the bedroom.
Intimacy as a Sign Intimacy is actually a sign that things are going well in all aspects of the relationship.
When someone is feeling hurt or unloved the intimacy will suffer.
When both parties are feeling madly in love and over the moon with happiness the intimacy will be deeper and rawer than ever.
You can use intimacy in the bedroom like a thermometer for the relationship.
When it's hot the relationship is probably going pretty well and when it turns cold then the relationship may be suffering in some way.
If you previously felt a deep intimate connection with this person but suddenly things don't seem to be working in the bedroom, then the steam may be going out of the entire relationship.
Intimacy Matters Intimacy in the bedroom is extremely important to your overall relationship.
You have to put in the effort outside of the bedroom to make things happen inside the bedroom.
That intimacy becomes a predictor of when things are working and when attention may need paid to some aspect of the relationship.
It also works the other way around.
When you are feeling that deep intimate connection inside the bedroom and are having good interactions of a sexual nature, you will notice that other aspects of the relationship tend to fall into place.
You may feel more willing to compromise and give up ground for the sake of peace when intimacy in the bedroom is going strong.
You may find that you are happier in your daily life because of that deep, satisfying connection that you get behind closed doors.
These are the perks of feeling intimate and deeply connected.
Making it Work So, how do you get that intimacy going so the overall relationship will benefit? You just have to make those efforts to show that you care when the bedroom door is open.
Really put some effort into making the relationship work and make sure they know that your feelings for them extend far beyond the bed and sexual encounters.
Men and women alike enjoy feeling wanted and loved.
It is a big turn on to know that you are loved in a very passionate, deep and raw manner.
If you can get that message across you can experience a deeper level of intimacy that you have never known before.
Remember, intimacy does matter to your overall relationship.
If you don't have intimacy sparking in the bedroom there is probably something lacking in the relationship.
This is a give and take situation and you can often read the intimacy levels like a thermometer.
Put out some effort to make the overall relationship as happy as possible and you are likely to see the intimacy light on fire as well.
Never underestimate the importance of that intimacy!

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