Business & Finance Bankruptcy

Why You Should Get Secured Loans After Bankruptcy

Lenders decide who to lend to, and what interest rates to offer them, based on how much of a risk they represent.
As someone who has had debt problems in the past lenders aren't confident that you will repay the money you borrow, and as such, are unlikely to do business with you.
What you need to do is work on rebuilding your credit history by getting new cards and financing and repaying them on time to show that you are credit worthy.
How can you do this when no one will lend to you in the first place? This is why you should get secured loans after bankruptcy.
With unsecured financing the lender is making the decision to do business with you based solely on your financial history, which is a problem for your situation.
When you offer them some form of collateral however the lender has some way of recovering any money you may not repay them.
This isn't something anyone wants to do because it requires them to go through the work of taking the item and selling it to recover their losses, but it definitely makes them more willing to work with you and offer you a more manageable interest rate.
Banks will only accept real estate as collateral, but you can find lenders who will use a vehicle as collateral fairly easily.
There are also lenders who will take high priced collectibles or jewelry as collateral, but you'll probably need to do a bit more searching around the internet to find these companies.
In your first two years post bankruptcy it's extremely important for you to go out there and get secured credit cards and a loan to work on building up your financial history.
Within two years you could have a decent score--enough to even get unsecured financing again--but only if you really work on being active doing things financially and making sure all of your payments are on time.

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